Life with an Alcoholic
He’s been working really hard lately around here. The house is completely spotless. I’ve been working hard at my job and I’m too tired to clean. He just told me that he’s pissed off because I’m lazy and I never do anything around here.
When I tried to tell him that he was the same way when he was working lots. He said that no, he’s been doing lots for a long time. I said well since you’ve been laid off (two weeks). Usually when he’s working, he feels too tired too.
He was just completely unable to see past the present moment, completely insensitive to other people and how they’re feeling. I just lay here in shock for a few minutes.
Then it hit me. I’m FINALLY starting to see the signs. There’s a big party here. He’s going to “reward” himself tonight. He’ll make a complete idiot of himself, and feel horrible tomorrow. Then he’ll really want to connect with me, and apologize. He’ll be equally hard working tomorrow (once he’s not so hungover).
I just felt a big weight off my shoulders. Because I see that its not my fault.
Even if he manages to stay somewhat in control. There’s still that mindset there, that… Whatever it is. Disease I guess. Its there now and always will be. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have to leave. We’ll see what happens tonight.