It’s so amazing you can hear a song over and over and not think anything of it, yet when things occur in your life and then you hear that song again, it takes on more meaning. Rereading my past entries, wow I show alot of hope in every single one. I guess I figure I can’t do it, hope is all I got. Sometimes it’s better to have hope than anything else, because it shows some sort of strength in yourself. I have alot of thoughts always going on in my head and yet when I want to write them in here, they seem to disappear and I never know quite what to write. I have been thinking about the past four months though. After everything that has happen, I’m glad I was able to experience such amazing memories and experiences. I wanna make the good outweigh the bad this time around. I’m learning to deal with everything right now, knowing that as much bad can happen, I can always look at the good and smile. Remember those times where I was the most happy in and know I will be okay. I can move on and hope I can have just as good memories with the future than I did these past four months. Yet there is always hope in my eyes for any new or old possibilty.
everyone needs some
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