Sad Day Sunday

Bah, I wanted to write a beautiful happy entry, but my heart has been crushed by corporate greed and the Philistines of

A friend mentioned tablets tonight, and I realized I could finally order the Fire 10; it’s not available in Canada, and have it shipped to my mom’s.  However, it wouldn’t be delivered before she heads back to Canada for the summer.

I’m trying to be happy about all the new camera equipment waiting for me when I arrive; even with an exchange rate, they are cheaper on than anywhere in Canada, to play with and enjoy.  But that will be bittersweet knowing my tablet will have to wait until my mom makes another round trip from Canada to South Carolina.

HAHA, I’m not upset, but it is nice to have problems that are so superficial.  The last week has still left me a little shaky.  While out walking today, I was jumpy at strange noises.  Poor old scooter man, I nearly knocked him to the ground as he tried to pass me.

Mary Browns wasn’t as good as it used to be.  Way too much MSG and the chicken I think is now frozen.

It was 11 C; 54 F, and sunny.  What a great day to be free and live in a country that isn’t blown to smithereens with rival factions and warlords trying to control every street corner and the people who live there.

Being back to my quiet life seems to leave me restless and out of sorts.  I couldn’t sleep last night and had a nap after lunch, which was actually at dinner time.

There are some great deals on Ali Express for self-watering planters.  I wonder how good they are.  The “high” quality ones are incredibly expensive.  They also look like they would be a lot better for the plants overall.

Well, time to go put the dishes away and they lay in bed.

“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
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