Beautiful women were everywhere…
Not long ago I found myself with a large crowd on a sunny day with mild temperatures and the combination of everything seemed to bring forth a fantastic cross-section of humanity, many of whom were dressed to accent the full of their physical intrigue and appeal.
None of those present were working girls, to my knowledge anyway, and it was their vast numbers which made this experience seem entry-worthy. It isn’t too often when I’m out in regular society that I have an impulse that begins in my loins and has me thinking: "man I would so love to do her". I’m really not like that, no matter what this diary leads one to believe.
But I am at times in awe of women with enough physical beauty to be confident and who are just ‘themselves’ beyond that. Some on occasion need something and they just march to those in the backdrop without really seeming to observe just how their presence is noticed or appreciated by others nearby.
I don’t know whether my thoughts and observations were greatly different while I was there with the crowd than was/is the case now. What seems most prominent about the whole experience is that so many women young and older kept moving about so as to keep the mind’s thoughts on the variety being the very spice of their existence.
I think it far less likely that I would pause to lust after one particular person while in a crowd which includes such vast numbers of considerably attractive women, than might be the case when I might see one person, perhaps even less attractive, alone somewhere.
Just after the event ended, and I was heading home, I happened to see two young sisters I’d seen before, and after having had this day filled with awe, I was especially moved by the two sisters. Chief among their physical attributes is a shared dark-on-light hair/skin combination but as usual it was their being together which magnified their appeal many times over. To appreciate their distinct similarities and contrast those with their subtle uniquenesses is always a special treat.
A couple of the newer people on my bookmarks list remarked recently about not wanting to stand on the scale – the first for not wanting to learn how much weight she might have gained, and the other for not wanting to learn how much weight she might have lost. Witnessing that from my unique standpoint of having been reading both of them was a lot like admiring the two sisters I just mentioned.
I think everybody underestimates just how important it is to our minds that the vast numbers of humanity serve as our backdrop every day, and that we would be missing out on so much if we didn’t have such a wide realm of what seems like ‘normalcy’ by which to appreciate each individual.
Too many people are tricked by that, as if they’re on a softball field somewhere, distributed randomly between the foul lines and determining where they wish they were depending upon whether they want to be under the next fly ball or far away and not having to deal with it. It is always as if the last fly ball that landed causes every position player to over-react and drastically adjust where she is on the field based on that one, latest swing of the bat.
Why is it so easy for our baseball/softball coaches to convince us to remain in our assigned positions, and convince us of whyyyyyyyyyy everybody is best off if we stay there, when so few can learn that about their own physical appearances?
If the next swing of the bat is going to send the ball toward a petite asian woman positioned down the 3rd base line then most reading this have to know that they just need not worry about it being them. The constant adjusting of one’s position on the human appearance field is akin to trying to dodge raindrops. I’m all for getting a fair consensus as to which of your own attributes are most unique and interesting to the human eyes around you, and then accenting those attributes. It is just too easy to be unrealistic and unwilling to hear and observe people reacting positively to particular elements of your physicality.
When I was out with the big crowd recently I wasn’t taking too much time to dwell on any one individual because I knew all the while that many more impressively attractive women were in motion all around me. I got to really thinking about the beauty of the exceptionally attractive ones among them, and I realized that even if given free roam I still couldn’t really put my hand on their beauty. That beauty wasn’t likely to give me a whole lot as a commodity or the like. Indeed it might have allowed the wearer to get through life with less adversity but at the same time those among us who are so richly attractive don’t tend to develop as much internal character, for their getting plenty of attention without it.
Sometimes I imagine the one person on this earth that I know I’d prefer to be intimate with over all others. While I probably don’t have a prayer with her, I know that most readers would over-estimate her ranking on the beauty scale sight unseen. I just know that the comfort level I could attain when very close to the likes of her would be far more meaningful than would be anything which might pop out of the bra of somebody I noticed in the big crowd the other day.
Those people in that crowd (which represents all humanity – because they really were comprised of same) are still majorly important in helping me to see how unique and special any one woman would be. I just have a feeling that things like Middle School and High School surround(ed) each of us with scores and scores of fresh-skinned, nubile specimens for good reason. By the time we evolve to select a mate of our own we’re usually well versed in so much human backdrop that we are far more qualified to truly adore the specifics of our individual mate than we would have been without so many examples all around.
How come it remains so very difficult to get the mate to understand this, especially when the mate is female and the person who is trying to communicate his authenticity is male? There are so many psychological factors at work when humans admire one another physically. I think we almost always scan the surface and draw our eyes and admiration to the best traits about any individual. At the same time, and especially if those individuals are female, the one being observed is convinced that one tiny imperfection is blatantly obvious and the only focal point as if it were glowing with lime green radioactivity.
It just isn’t the case, particularly since we tend to ignore those whose most prominent features make us uncomfortable. So if he’s looking more than casually, he’s found something wholly admirable about you. Few things go worse with that than a dose of lacking self confidence.
Of course it isn’t going to be easy to reverse trends that are as old as humanity itself, but couldn’t you just do yourself the favor next time of at least guessing that he ‘noticed’ you because he found something to admire. Once you have that down you can then take on the challenge that shall be accepting that whatever it is about you really IS attractive as he sees it.
Indeed it isn’t all about appearances, but it seems appearances just draw us near enough to gain a chance at exploring whatever is down deep and potentially worth having ar
ound for a lifetime. If you won’t accept as such whatever it is about you that somebody found attractive, then how will you let yourself near enough to learn more…?
John, this is the diary I mentioned earlier. You’re invited to read me here. I’ve added you to my FO. Fortis
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Nope, not about appearances at all. 🙂
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RYN: You really put a smile on my face this morning :o)
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ryn: I really don’t see what your issue is with my hair.
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ryn: You will be pleased with my new haircut, photographic evidence of which will appear shortly. My fringe looks like it was cut with a ruler. 🙂
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ryn: I have a stylist, and find her work to be more than adequate.
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I heard that it turned out Brandee was a fake, being written by a man, totally made up to be provocative. I never read her but was aware of her.
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ryn: you were laughing “at me” because…. of some guy on some thing….? (i’m too lazy to go re-read the note to make sense of it) Just so you know, I understand about only 60% of what you say to me in notes. Sometimes it feels like you’re writing without a context and spinning your own reality. Dude, I just don’t know.
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thank you very much for your notes 🙂
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I also thought he/she died or something, why is it she doesn’t write here anymore?
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Boy I really missed out on that one. At the same time it’s amazing how different the versions of the story I’ve heard are (the classic ‘telephone game’ phenomenon). It makes me wish I’d followed her diary, but my only recollection of her was seeing her notes occasionally on other’s diaries, and then once following her note to read one of her own entries – unless I’m mixing this memory up withanother, the entry “Brandee” wrote included her going into some detail of how she loved lounging around on a lazy Saturday in her comfy thong and old soft t-shirt (I think), writing in her diary. I found that so annoying I never read another entry. I mean, I don’t think any woman who actually wears thongs thinks they are comfortable (just the opposite), they are worn because they are hot, or look better under slacks etc., but the price is that they are as uncomfortable as a wedgy (which is literally what they are, and who thinks a wedgy is “comfortable”). When you say 30,000 notes, do you mean that you personally received on your own diary?
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ryn: I think you’re giving the word “straight” way too much power. Whatever is in between straight and bisexual, that is what Josh and Alex are. Dunno what that word is, but I think saying “mostly straight” covers it pretty well. What word would you use?
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Ryn: as always, thank you for your sweet, sweet note. Why can’t all guys be as sweet as you?!?
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RYN: There wasn’t as much of a difference as I’d have liked there to be, but it was enough to be going on with. I won’t describe it.
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RYN: To be honest, I’m more concerned with my own tastes than those of any ‘connoisseur.’
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ryn: lol I will do that! 🙂
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RYN: lol yes you are correct. that photo is 4 years old and i used to have a much more extensive diary that i deleted for a guy. looong story and not very becoming of my intelligence so yeah. it sucks about honesty. people claim to want it…to prefer it…but when they get it…it makes them uneasy.
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ryn = exactly =]
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ryn;; I apologize! In the future, I’ll make sure any notes with possibly identifying info attached will be private 🙂
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