OD woman w/A tremendous set of…(notes from me)

As untimely as this is, you are so HOT for thinking like this. (and it is NOT tied directly to the subject matter as much as it is your effort at itemizing the facts and contemplating them yourself)

(that is far more something that men thrive on, than women thrive on doing ) (regardless of whether it is baseball cards and batting averages or all things sexy)

First of all, you are exceptionally attractive by any standards, and it would sure help if you could lose any sense of ‘it must be me’ so that you can more fully (continue to) contemplate the specifics of the rest.

As for the movies, I understand the urge to feel that a viewed pussy should bring a viewed cock, in the interest of what seems like "fairness".

But I think the target in the imbalance are those potential audience members who may or may not  watch the movie depending upon how much sex there is. Women have their steady likes and interests and they are more dependable and consistent as viewers, through thick and thin, as long as the movies are in their general areas of interest.

Men are generally more indifferent, and in many cases need fierce persuasion to watch the offered feature – whether it be in a theater (@ $9-ish a pop) or on TV (where the ads pay for the entertainment).

If you need something else to take as an example of something that should be even-steven across gender lines, but isn’t… consider the size and number of women’s bathrooms in newer and larger venues:

It’s easy to say that there are 150 million men in the country and 150 million women in the country, and that the number of bathrooms and the size of those bathrooms should be equal. (right? – isn’t that very much like your quick observation of sex in the cinema?)

In reality, and even at places such as freeway rest areas (where anybody should agree that far more males use the facilities than females – given lone, late-night truckers and the fact that lone, long-distance travelers are more likely to BE male) … the women’s bathrooms are larger not because there are more OF women visiting, but because they take longer per visit than do men.

So, just saying – both defy some elements of logic.

By the way, your recognition of, and feelings about the disparity are very sensible and logical.

Another thing… I think the period of your life to date has been considerably centered on a larger plane of time during which women are evolving rapidly from a place where their sexuality was squelched (when so many were stay-at-home wives to steel workers and the like)… to a place where women will have the option to be totally independent of men in the future.

I think that, in the western world, this is a one-time big change, the uniqueness of which makes "the twenty-first century" quite volatile for young women. So there really is a hint of sense to "his" reference to: "this is the 21st century". (even IF he likely has no idea what it means in relation to the topic)

(oh yeah, before I forget, I recall having read about a study done AT freeway rest stops where someone sat in a car and merely timed all who entered to use the facilities, and it was from that study that my earlier points were derived)

Nowthen, on to your other concerns:


Given your bulleted-for-easy-reference points, I really do think he is masturbating a good amount while you’re not home. The part about you vacationing at the beach and his really wanting you there, is very helpful!! (and very telling)

(deep breath of disappointment for (and not ‘in’) you {relating to the doggy-style revelation} )

That position is sooooooooooooo impersonal… I mean, sure, give me an opportunity for yet another working girl in a brief time span, and make her the kind of lust-inducing woman who revs my desires quickly… and I’d love doggy style (clarity: you definitely have all of the appeal needed for me to be plenty grateful even for doggy, when I’d prefer something ‘closer’).

Aaaaaaaaaaaand indeed there is something animalistic and unique about it… but it really just doesn’t say much about one’s lover if he is crazy leaning toward doggy so often.

You do owe it to all of us to look into his medications as to the chance of their being the culprit behind his less-than-complete sex drive.


For the record, some of the insecurity  in your words just isn’t befitting an exceptionally attractive woman like you are. (although, now that I’m reminded of it – the truly attractive tend to be disproportionately insecure people)

I don’t know how to give you a sense of me as someone who would not be drooling all over if in your vicinity, and who would not be staring at your chest during any part of any conversation. I’m sure I may seem just that sort of image when not hesitating to express how truly appealing you are – and I’m sure that you get it all the time, from all over, so it may be your first anticipation about anyone.

If I were reading the "perfectly shaped ass" comment from a random OD woman, and not one whose risque modeling photos passed inspection from all angles, then I would empathize with the writer a bit more. But I’ve gotta say, if you can’t find mucho plenty in your appearance to run confidently with in any setting, then… well,… then you just aren’t the woman whose eye for detail and realistic observations  I was just admiring a few paragraphs ago!!


(another note of clarity: You have every right not to want to look at this porn-ish girl’s ass in your face in terms of respect and impropriety… but… um… just don’t  play the insecurity card.

Physical appearance insecurity is never going to be your strong suit.

By the way, I’m all for you going ahead and saying: "that hurt my feelings" in some of these instances.

Why is it so challenging and difficult to really express how we feel instead of battling fiercely to cover it up?

You want him to know how you feel… you want him to masturbate in front of you… you want variation in your sex life…

Well I say that the best defense for your feelings is a great offense!!

You are an exceptionally attractive woman, somewhere near to her physical prime. You really don’t need to wait until you’re treated like a delicate flower or fine china on the shelf before expressing your sexuality.

And yeah, we get it, hotties like you get used to being sought-after and revered by the masses… that’s great when you need favors out..

… in public, like getting your car fixed for cheap, or so


but once you take that exceptional exterior and narrow your focus down to ONE man, in a private setting… no longer can you bank on your impressive looks in relative terms to get you the extra step.

When you’re one-on-one… and you want somebody’s attention… at least sometimes you need to go and get it!!

And if that means taking off your jeans and planting your fetching form very nearby to his computer terminal… and going at yourself furiously until it commands his interest and attention, then sometimes you do just that!

Even my mind has come to see your beauty as a constant (rather than a variable) by now, yet I know from lots of experience here that when you bring your brain to the game you can be far, far more a siren than mere looks would ever achieve.

(figure out where your line/limits are, in terms of his sense of your sexuality… and then challenge those lines… be bolder, better, more liberated… and act as if you know what (or who) is coming!!!


(indeed these were all notes I just left at the diary of a long-time fave of mine.  I’m wondering if perhaps I need not even add further context clues just to convey quite enough in this entry of mine.   Curiously I had a very highly-anticipated topic for a new entry today until I finished compiling these notes to the 24/f on my faves list.  I’ll just have to put the other on hold)



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February 3, 2011

I think it has a lot to do with how comfortable your partner makes you feel as well as how comfortable you are with yourself. Even the most confident person can be made to feel..a little less so. That’s a pretty naked situation…vulnerable…and if you can’t trust your partner’s response it’s kind of hard to say hey…our love life needs a face lift…

February 4, 2011

Hhhhmmmm…. Interesting revelations, though I think I had a hard time truly following what it was about, other than it seems this woman’s partner seems more drawn to porn that to her, or won’t be intimate with her more than just doggie style, and that she feels she has to compare to these porn stars because her partner seems so much more attracted to them as opposed to her? :-p <3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3

February 5, 2011

My drive and reasons for masturbation and sex are so varied and personal my partner barely figures in the equation. Both are totally independent of each other. For example, if I was stressed I might masturbate at lunch time to relieve stress because it’s quick and relaxing but then have a low libido for sex because the day was emotionally exhausting. As much as it can feel rejecting I think

February 5, 2011

.. Sometimes we personalize and give false meaning as to why someone doesn’t feel like having sex often but is happy to masturbate. Obviously I believe that we all have responsibility for ‘keeping our end up’ (hah!) in a relationship and for fulfilling our partner’s intimacy and sexual requirements but I think it’s dangerous to attach the wrong beliefs to a scenario like this.


February 6, 2011

oh wow, i just read your note from November and saw that the last time we noted each other before that was from 2003! 😀

February 6, 2011

I threw that in there just for you. Ha Ha

ryn: G knew she was bi from a young age and had a few girlfriends… so it wasn’t like she was just eating pussy to please B. Yeah. Also, regardless of that, we definitely loved each other. If not as romantic partners, certainly as friends and confidants.

ryn: pfffttt!!! so true….