Girl on OD journals that she might be preggers
And these are the notes she gets:
take a pregnacy test to start 7/5/2009 11:54:16 PM
stop having unprotected sex….and learn how to spell. 7/6/2009 11:17:39 AM
take a test but remember that stressing about something like that will also stop your period from coming. and lots of people get pregnant and don’t realise for months so it could be a million things making you feel like that x (this one signed) 7/6/2009 1:35:36 PM
Condoms. Ever heard of them? You do realise pregnancy isn’t the ONLY thing that can come from unprotected sex, right? There are things like…oh, let me think…
AIDS! HERPES! ALL kinds of nasties!
And with your spelling and grammar inaccuracies, I’d really like to think you’re NOT pregnant. You certainly aren’t in any position to raise a child with your mentality.
Take a pregnancy test. I hope you’re not pregnant.
It’s people like you who make people who can’t conceive really TICKED off.
7/6/2009 11:11:19 PM
lol what is with this spell check thing? like i dont care how i type on this diary thing. and MY mentality?? bitch you dont knoww me! and people like me .. meaning what? people who cant type fast and correctly dont deserve to get pregnant?? (her own response) 7/6/2009 11:24:14 PM
I thought you weren’t married. Just wtf is going on here 7/8/2009 1:40:48 PM
You are sadly immature. 7/22/2009 11:00:27 PM
I’d say that this collection of notes is more the norm than the exception when a diarist posts at OD during a time when she is perhaps more stressed and anxious than at any time before. This was an eighteen-year-old (who has nothing to do with my eighteen-year-old prostitute from the last entry) and from the looks of this young woman’s entry she is far more mature and likely-to-be responsible than is the working girl.
So all of these anonymous noters point and laugh and make fun of this girl’s honesty, her stress, and her spelling, just for yuks. It’s almost enough to make one think that paying a couple hundred dollars for the sexual company of a consenting and more ripened version of perhaps the same person isn’t really that much worse, except for the illegality part.
I mean, you see this OD woman on the street with her mother and you point and laugh inside, imagining her to be "sadly immature". That certainly doesn’t help the kid or its mother. At least the guy paying for sex with a woman eight-and-a-half months pregnant can envision some of the money going for diapers or a crib or the like.
I’m not really trying to justify myself, as my only needed justification is that the young woman is/was out there and offering, and I’m interested and letting her know as much. It just struck me as funny how OD society as a whole responded to this pregnant woman in a very similar place as was my pregnant prostitute.
I’ve never before been inclined to take a collection of notes from an old OD entry, except for one in which a diarist asked a sexual question and then was bombarded with dozens upon dozens of sincere responses. I was impressed by so many people having been willing to help that resourceful diarist, but I can’t say the same about those who responded to the entry of an eighteen-year-old pregnant woman.
tag, you’re it! -moon willow
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People are a-holes on the internet, plain and simple. Yes, most of these people are a-holes in real life too, but are given more free reign when they hide behind their monitors and their unsigned notes. They don’t know this woman or her situation, yet feel the need to judge her and belittle her, when really, this is probably the most vulnerable, most stressed she’s ever been. These people are cowards and I hope this girl doesn’t take their awful notes to heart. Those kind of people come a dime a dozen.
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I think it depends on the person and how they are usually perceived. I don’t know the diarist, but maybe that’s just the sort of notes she attracts. Some people like any sort of attention, rather than attracting quality noters. I’d like to think if any of my favourites were pregnant, no matter their age, I’d respond in a positive way.
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judging from my life experience, I’m going to say that quality noters are more plentiful
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uh i think i was about 13ish..lasted about 3 and a half years. it was long distance he lived close to my home town. i recently had a heat stroke and emailed him letting him know. he does that so i was letting him know. it was the first time we’ve had contact in about 9months to a year. and he took it as we needed to catch up.
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I rarely have negative noters and when I do have them it’s because I wrote something (or a few things) that I knew would get me some negative attention.
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i’m very very comfortable with my body and that’s kind of how our relationship works. if i were to randomly take off my clothes while we were watching tv he wouldn’t even blink. my body isn’t his play ground and he’s pretty much broke of that habit.
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he is yet unmentioned. a very close friend through the other relationship.
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That’s not the sort of response I’ve ever seen on OD. It makes me wonder whether she’s given her contact out to a peer group who are out to make her life miserable. I’ve never come across that from the general OD community. Poor girl to be dealing with abuse on top of it all.
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That poor girl…. Lord… people are so inconsiderate…
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I’ve never had a mean-spirited note on OD yet. Of course I have only been here a year so there is plenty of time. It makes me wonder if all of her entries generate that type of note. Or if it is her age group.
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I think it’s really poor form to attack someone based on their ability to spell and use grammar correctly. How is it that person’s fault? It’s not, and it’s just a low blow for those to use when they can’t think of a more intelligent insult. As for the girl, I hope things work out for her. x
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so much of the internet, even of OD, has become merely a place for unhappy people to make other people unhappy anyway they can. poor girl
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I just kind of have to sadly laugh, because that is SO familiar. I mean, I’ve never gotten pregnant, and people usually don’t comment on my spelling, but I get a ridiculous amount of rude notes. Less now that my more personal entries are friends-only, but back when I started my diary and had it all out in public, you wouldn’t believe the things people would write to me!
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Ryn: Isn’t it. lol
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I think that is just rude. I mean, yes, this is a public forum (if we choose it to be) but that does not give people the right to degrade and just talk down to someone. Yes, maybe her circumstances are not the best but do we really know that? No…that is just a conclusion that rude people are making.
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uncool. and unfortunately haters gonna hate and trolls will offer unsolicited (and possibly soul crushing) advice. I hope she gets some comforting and hopeful notes alongside the nasties.
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If someone writes something they KNOW will likely get a negative response then they shouldn’t be shocked when they DO get that. Most people are irritated by the IRRESPONSIBILITY more than anything else. But when someone doesn’t bother to spell correctly or anything, and has a PUBLIC diary, then they should expect people to assume they are ignorant. If they have unprotected sex and are shocked theymight be pregnant, people assume they are immature and can’t handle keeping themselves safe. As for your “working girl”, obviously none of the money she made went to condoms if she’s pregnant again already.
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i remember two of the diary names i had clearly, and they are both gone. i don’t remember any friends’ names since it was so long ago, and i don’t think i deleted my diaries either. so i’m not sure what happened.
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ryn – you’re right, stress and alcohol do not directly cause ulcers, but people who drink and have high stress levels are more likely to get ulcers than people who do not drink/are not highly stressed on a regular basis. Just like not everyone who has a weak heart has a heart attack, but those who smoke & drink and have high stress will! It’s a high contributing factor to a lot of things.
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(Just returning to OD after a LONG hiatus, and apparently you’re still on my bookmarks 🙂 ) Anyway, I hate the vicious anony-noter people. I’ve even gotten some at times, and my life is in no way controversial. It sucks that she’s already up against so much prejudice just for being a young mother. And I don’t know who you’re talking about, so it very well may be that she IS immature…
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…but first of all, making her feel like crap about herself isn’t really the way to build someone up and empower her to be a good mom. But more importantly, having a baby changes people. I have a friend who had a baby at 19, and definitely was not “mature” enough, but the second that baby was born it was different. She’s a wonderful mom. But unfortunately still up against the same kind of…
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…prejudice. On the flip side, some 30-year-olds are selfish and make horrible parents.
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People are cruel. I hope those notes weren’t from adults. How cruel.
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Return to AIM!
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RYN: You can’t RENAME something. I don’t see HOW you can think I don’t connect with the NAMES. Granted, a few of them got “Guy” in them in the beginning, but each evolved from a story, a reason. You crack me up.
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Not to sound like a bitch but her response, though she had valid points, sounded like something I’d hear yelled on Maury sans censoring beeps. It just didn’t sound very eloquent. And yeah people shouldn’t have attacked her, but poor grammar and spelling have always been the first indicator to me of a person’s intelligence via the web. And I’m kind of right there with them worrying about what kind
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of life this little baby is going to have. If someone can’t even figure out they’re own language after 18 years… I mean, like I said, I am weird about grammatical things. But that’s always cause for stress i think to know someone who is perhaps just stupid enough to not know how to spell simple words is going to be in charge of bringing a life into the world and raising it.
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ryn: Thanks! I think she’s pretty great. 🙂
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Umm…to the person who noted right before me… If you’re really going to judge someone that harshly for their grammar and spelling, at least learn the difference between there, their, and they’re. I don’t like correcting people for spelling and grammar mistakes, but come on! Judge not lest ye be judged, and all that.
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RYN \ Random hand bloat info! Thanks 🙂 I always look forward to your notes, they’re both equally amusing and equally sweet.
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RYN \ Lol!
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