And now this amusement, courtesy of Craigslist:

An ad for group sex with a "soccer mom" posted on Craigslist was a fake, sending a number of people to an unsuspecting household in Connecticut, say police. Worse yet, one man got the address wrong and landed on the doorstep of a teen girl who lives nearby, whom cops say he groped even after she pointed out the mistaken address.

The ad read: “40 married West Hartford soccer mom here. Looking for fantasy to be filled today. I am looking for group sex! So please come play. I want to please as many as I can before work! I am free until 11:00,” and listed an address.

Police say it didn’t take long before a crowd of men appeared at the house.

“People described as anywhere from teens to an 80-year-old man who looked like Santa Claus,” Lt. Stephen Estes told a news conference on Tuesday.

The household has apparently been the target of a hoax like this before, say police, and relatives were at the home this time to help shoo away the men answering the ad’s call.

Among those allegedly looking for group sex was Richard Zeh, 29, of nearby Newington, say police – except they say he got the address wrong and went to a house where an 18-year-old woman answered the door.

She told police that Zeh thought she was the woman who posted the ad. She pointed out the mistake and said he left to find the correct address.

But when Zeh was turned away there as well, police allege he went back to the teen’s house, where he forced his way inside and groped her.

Zeh has been charged with sexual assault, as well as disorderly conduct, criminal trespassing and burglary.

Police are still investigating who posted the fake ad.


It amazes me just what people will take at face value.   At least there are various websites where potential clients can go to legitimize various online working girls, but when the supposed soccer mom wants group sex, the truly gullible are left to evaluate the legitimacy on their own.   I like to believe that we are still working the kinks out of online interaction of all kinds, and that sooner or later everything will go a lot smoother and more safely.


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April 7, 2010

How horrifying for that poor girl!

April 7, 2010

I read something similar to that a few weeks back. Just caught your last entry, blah, i dont know, people are nuts. Hope things are going well for you otherwise 🙂

April 8, 2010

I read something like this a couple of years ago, only instead of it being a sex ad it was a free section ad. Over 100 people came and ransacked this woman’s house when her ex posted a fake estate clearance ad saying everything had to go. The poor woman lost everything.

Oh wow, that’s horrible, Age/Sex/Location. And how gross is that old guy just groping this random girl? Eesh.

April 8, 2010

Wow, that is crazy. LOL I bet it was funny to watch all those people come up to the house, though. LOL

April 14, 2010

RYN: wow- you’re so right! you are still on my favorites from 4 years ago despite my lack of comments! lol.. I guess I must have found you intriguing- but I have been very slack about keeping up with my notes and reading updates. I will try to be better 😉

April 20, 2010

lol well I don’t know why you would be 🙂 I certainly write about it enough…

April 26, 2010

RYN’s: I think I see your logic if I’m correct in where you’re going here, but it doesn’t really explain it… because with that logic, aren’t just as many women subject to those same percentiles? And I guess I’m not really trying to explain it to that degree either. I personally think a lot of it has to do with the ever-transforming gender roles. Neither women OR men know where they stand

April 26, 2010

anymore. But anyway, like you said, it all will never be mastered… too many variables I suppose…

ryn: I’d rather you not resort to the ever-popular “she’s young and stupid and didn’t see it coming” card. Because G is older than me, smarter than me, and apparently didn’t see it coming either. And I’m pretty certain people who haven’t even met me let alone B or G saw it coming based on whatever glimpse of his personality they got. It’s over-played. I’d rather not have my age blamed forevery failed relationship for the rest of my life. But thanks anyway.

April 28, 2010

I really don’t know why you would leave a note detailing a sexual desire for a woman who tormented me for years and made my life hell during formative years where my self esteem was developing (and when its evidently carried with me through to adulthood). U often probe as to whether I was abused. Not by anyone in my family… but bullying also leaves scar. To me, she is one of the most ugly people

April 28, 2010

… people I have met. You can have her never-smiling face. Her body is comfortable because she’s pregnant.

ryn: “(B)will have less reason to maintain SOME self-control over his volatile personality once “G” is gone and he has lost so much.” I completely agree, and I think I mentioned just that to my therapist yesterday. So basically, once she leaves, we will be waiting for the realization to set in that G and I are GONE and he is ALONE (he hates being alone. So much so that he’ll sleep on thefloor of the kid’s bedroom if his women are mad at him and won’t sleep in his bed. Extreme, no?) and then wait for that other shoe to drop. Because it willll drop and it will probably be on my head! Ka-thunk. And I know… B, G, V… it’s all alphabet soup. I usually hate reading stuff with abbreviated names, but I do it to protect privacy at first, and then once thats not an issue anymore its simply too late to call them “Bobby” and “Gwen” because people actually get CONFUSED and have no idea who “Bobby” and “Gwen” are!! Haa.

May 7, 2010

RYN: I was actually quite relieved. Now I just want it to go away though lol


May 15, 2010

RYN: Yes, you are so right. I think it would be alot easier for me if that was the reason for why things have been so bad lately. I could accept that much easier. And your right about the capacity not equaling gayness I guess a part me is seriously hoping he is so I won’t be so hurt.

May 25, 2010

this is so interesting. come write more!

Thank you for your response, honest, as always. I can see where the reasoning come from and have to admit, the logic is quite convincing (or it is me, who WANTS to be convinced…sometimes I suspect this is what it is, but tssss…don’t tell me you know my secret 😉 LOL) I think, deep inside I suspect you’re right. On the surface I just don’t want to have high hopes, afraid they fail me… Lana.

Thanks for all your notes! 🙂 Yea, you’ve been on my favs for a minute, because I used to be favs only, so anybody who I’d note or read, I’d put on my favs so they could read me too. Now I’m public, but I never took anyone off my favs or anything… I’ll let pretty much anybody read my favs only entries if they want.. lol. And I’ve been reading Que Sera Sera for like at least 3 or 4 years now… I don’t remember exactly how long… lol but a long time. Anyways, feel free to stop by anytime. Hope you’re doing well! 🙂