OD Drama & Temmahkrik-called freedom of speech

I’ve not read Temmahkrik’s presentation of the details, but from what I gather she started a typical-for-her flame war, and then became incensed when the Diary Master came to her diary, perhaps looked around, and spotted within the bounds of "friends only" or "private" entries a disparaging remark made by her about another diarist.

He then told her to remove it, or the like, and she became enraged for only at that moment having been enlightened to the common sensical (to the rest of us) understanding that the Diary Master can view anything and everything at OD. I simply cannot get my head around why someone who has been a paid journalist wouldn’t understand that the operator of a website basically has a responsibility to generally know just what exists on his website.

Were there plots against the U.S. President, or any president abrew at OD, it would be the responsibility of the Diary Master to work with authorities to identify those responsible and stop the threat. If members of Al Qaida were communicating via OD to operatives all over the world it would be the responsibility of the Diary Master to alert the authorities. Had there been a teenager, or just about anyone here, posting a series of private entries planning an upcoming school shooting, or even a suicide, it would be the responsibility of the Diary Master to share the information with proper authorities.

So with that amount of understanding being completely obvious to anyone with any common sense (which probably includes Temmahkrik), how in the world could she then be so shocked and stunned that the Diary Master was reading everything she wrote? Once one accepts the idea that it is only natural that the Diary Master would be reading those precious lines, it isn’t so outlandish to envision him applying his rules-of-the-moment to whatever was written.

As for Temmahkrik, the person, she has plenty of enviable qualities (some of my favorites among them only suitable for mention in private notes), and she has been making decent progress in maintaining her passion for writing and getting herself published when possible. With that said, I sense, also, that Temmahkrik would be more well-regarded by all if she were better able to roll with the punches. Her own paranoia, extreme sensitivity, and unreasoning ways will continue to have her at the eye of many storms. Temmahkrik is attractive in a sometimes-quirky way and she can clearly express herself effectively but with so much going for her it just doesn’t make sense to create so much of her own drama, to her own eventual detriment.

Clearly the Diary Master has handled this poorly, as is the routine around here, more often than the exception. Selective enforcement of the rules is absolutely pointless, as is changing long-standing rules whenever it suits your whim.  Significant court rulings have repeatedly rendered website hosts blameless for things which transgress between independent visitors to their websites, so the continuous crap about liability is just hogwash.


When I found this website so many years ago, I was mostly intrigued by the mere opportunity to read about the daily routine of a diarist here who was a sex worker. She told it all, so it seemed, and did so without shame for her being anonymous, and thus safe. I read her diary with great interest for some time.

Then one night I was out cruising around for hookers in the usual scene, and I parked my car, and then made a fortuitous walk toward a woman who stood alone at a phone booth (that is now gone) and cooed: "would you like a date?"

She was a woman who was just so unique, and so exceptional to all others I’d ever met up until that point, that I came home so pleased at having met her, that I wanted to tell the world about it, in a way. What better venue than an "Open Diary", where I could remain anonymous, and yet express myself honestly for any and all who might choose to take something from offered understandings, and apply them to their own worlds as needed?

From day one it seemed a natural that I should land here, and while there have been a few other similar diarists inspired to light at OD for a month or two over time, they just don’t seem to last for very long.

Indeed {gasp} the occasional teenager has landed at my diary, and some ask very sincere questions. A couple of them had been {gasp} attempting to lose their virginity only to find insertion not seemingly possible. (both such cases proved to be situations where the new-to-sex couples didn’t have the guy "back (or) down" far enough, and instead they just "hurt") One of those OD’ers has been married to one of those guys for years now.

Upon my arrival here, the first rule of OD was "anonymity", and another prominent-to-me rule regarded diary content and used the phrase: "think of the movies, R-rated is OK, and X-rated is not OK". Now it seems the powers that be have conveniently altered these rules, usually on a whim, and whenever it suits them. It just doesn’t make any sense to do so. Why even when things so significant as the drinking age were moved from 19 to 21, those who were 19 and 20 at the time were "grandfathered in", so that they lost no seeming privileges at the time.

This diary does not pretend to be the internet hot spot at which mothers of young children should congregate each morning before waking the kids. It does not pretend to wish to be the homepage for pre-teens across all seven continents. I just contend that had this diary not been written responsibly over these many years, I would have been in receipt of many more notes from The Diary Master over time.

His own absence assures that it is merely selective application of his rules which motivates his daily and weekly actions, and that just isn’t appropriate in any forum or venue in which humans congregate.

Just think where the U.S.A. would be today were it still legal to selectively apply the laws along race or gender lines. These days, when independent reviews reveal that 63% of the speeding tickets given out on the New Jersey Pike go to citizens of a particular minority, people are up in arms (fearing selective application of law enforcement). Granted things quiet down when another independent study shows that 63% of those actually speeding on the ‘Jersey Pike are members of the same minority, but selective enforcement of the rules or laws is as bad or worse as having no rules or laws at all.

I just want to exist here as I have since Y2K, as for all its problems and shortcomings, OD still suits my interests reasonably well.







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Well said.

You can’t write about all that sexual stuff anymore on public entries, someone might report you!

uh. you SHOULD read [Temmahkrik]’s presentation of the details. you’ve got the diarist wrong. Temmy was just defending [Tender Lumping]. just the facts dude.

You said it better than I could think it.

Sounds like she’s not going to post public entries (at least for a while) but she’s not going, no one’s going, nothing’s changing. So! What’s next?

March 31, 2010

Yeah, doesn’t look so good when you get most of the scenario wrong. If one has an opinion on something they might actually want to know what they are talking about.

March 31, 2010

You have most of the details wrong. I would look into it more before commenting. Also, the DM has a funny way of selectively enforcing the rules when it pleases him. And he seems to think calling someone a douche bag is grounds for suspension.

Ever gotten busted while picking up a hooker? Weird. I can only signed this as an unsigned note. Well. Ok then.

March 31, 2010

I don’t know the situation, but it was blown out of the water. Someone needs to put big girl panties on. They all want to move to LJ? Guess what? The admns on that site have access to your info. You don’t OWN your diary. You are paying for the space and the features, but it’s still his website. You want to have something 100% private then get your own domain and write there.

March 31, 2010

raebird is right. I was narked off by Tender lumling and we were both warned. temmy is defending her friend, an admirable and enviable qaulity.

March 31, 2010

Well said. The only way to have complete privacy is use paper. It’s the internet. You can’t hide anything on here from every one.

The issue is not that he can read everything–everyone knows how a website hosted by a human being works. It’s that he read Tender Lumpling’s entries OTHER than the one that was reported to him, and personally objected to the word “douchebag,” in an UNREPORTED Friends Only entry, as applied to one of his admins. No one had complained about THAT entry, not even the admins themselves. But becausethe DM didn’t like it, that was the part he forced her to change. Along the way, the focus of this flap has shifted, and people have been attacking my friend Temmahkrik for the wrong reasons. She’s not the big dummy some people are smearing her for being. I wish everyone who cares to write an entry about the situation or note an entry about the situation would go to the source, read it carefully to get all the facts, and THEN go write about it themselves.

March 31, 2010

Temmahkrik should know better. Temmahkrik should ALSO know better than to be using MY NAME in her latest entry in a DEFAMING kind of way. Temmahkrik should hope I don’t report her to the OD Staff for such.

March 31, 2010

RYN: I don’t know her well enough to post anything about it in my diary, or I would. The gist of it is she was defending another diarist (a diarist she isn’t even particularly close with), who was forced to change content of a favorites only entry where she called an admin a douche.I actually agree with a lot of your points, I didn’t know you didn’t have access to Temmy’s side. My bad, lol.

You don’t need to convince me of anything, dude. Please don’t think I’m accusing you of going off half-cocked without all the facts. I’m just getting annoyed with the 300 other RC entries about the whole fracas by diarists who haven’t checked what they’re talking about. It’s getting to be like a game of Telephone.

Ryn: I just hope Jamie Lee Curtis isn’t an OD member. Nor do I want her to feel threatened by my entry title. I would hate for the DM to ask me to remove my entry or ask me to leave the site over my roommate’s irregularity.

March 31, 2010

Just to clarify, I agree with you about how it is the DM”s site to do with as he wishes, as silly as I think it is to get hyped up about calling someone a name. I don’t agree with you about Temmy. I think her standing up and saying something is quite admirable.

March 31, 2010

WTF is this about? People are WAY too serious sometimes. I have no idea who any of these people are, and I think I’m glad about that. 🙂

You and Ashleigh are f*cking morons. First, you: I know for a fact that Temmahkrik BLOCKED you YEARS ago, so what are you doing even pretending like you have a F*CKING CLUE what’s going on? You’re a sad little man just trying to get in on the drama while it’s still lukewarm and might get you some notes. If any of you are reading this thinking he knows what he’s talking about, you’re f*cking idiots.

Ashleigh, you moron, the argument wasn’t about the right of someone to monitor their own diary, you retard. She had every right to delete what I’m sure was a f*cking waste of space and block your idiot ass. Temmahkrik was saying that she, the DM, and anybody else shouldn’t go to SOMEONE ELSE’S diary and delete something that offended nobody at all. Your presence on this SITE offends me, you f*cking psycho. But that doesn’t mean I can or should go to your diary and delete your ignorant ass or make you edit yourself. But if you come to MY diary and leave your bullshit all over MY entry, I’ll delete your f*cking trash again and again and again.

You both missed the point and you’re both pathetic, desperate morons. I’d rather read about your whores and your conspiracy theories, you psychos.

And you are a disgusting pervert.

March 31, 2010

Real nice. I guess you didn’t learn much from this latest “controversy.” I DEMAND Themmakrik REMOVE my name from her entry or face getting reported for DEFAMATION.

March 31, 2010

Bottom line, OD is the property of the DM and he’s perfectly free to do whatever he wants with it. There is no expectation of privacy here and, if people don’t like how the DM runs this site, they are free to go elsewhere. It may not be what people expect for customer service but, it is what it is.

Hey look, Temmahkrik herself showed up here to speak her mind (yet again), further assuring onlookers that both she and her position are very much in the wrong (no matter the OD puppet she uses as a means through which to announce her faulty position and faulty logic to the world). This whole subject is one of those which only has one common sensical side. Temmahcrik, as usual, isn’t on it

I like the part where “Temmahkrik was saying that she, the DM, and anybody else shouldn’t go to SOMEONE ELSE’S diary and delete something that offended nobody at all”. So lets see, we now have Temmahkrik on record as believing that she herself shouldn’t go to other diaries and delete anything? And that other diarists shouldn’t go to diaries not their own and delete anything? Brilliant!

what in the blue blazes? how in the world did i manage to miss this?

April 4, 2010

Interesting – somebody did describe OD as being a bit of an anachronism – it is very Y2K in its layout – not Web 2.0.

RYN \ *laughs* It’s actually a really great look on me, 150 lbs. My weight has ran the gamut from 138 lbs to 195 lbs, and through all of that, 150 is where I feel the best and look the best. I have a small chest, so the weight tends to sit mostly at my hips. 150 lbs give me a smallish waist, without looking sickly, and gives me a nice, ample ass. Just the perfect amount of curves. With a bit of daily exercise, I can be a pretty tight 150 lbs without looking squishy. 🙂 That’s why I’m so hard on myself nowadays, for not exercising and eating crappy foods, because I know very well how to be healthy & still remain curvy. I just…I dunno..fall into laziness sometimes. :

April 6, 2010

As long as people have differing opinions there will always be internet flame wars. I also think people forget that there is no anonymity on OD or online period so they argue and slander each other. Its kind of silly though when its adults doing it. There is awesome block function and note removal function. I’d suggest that people use it more often.