On God and Spirtuality

This morning I decided that my real problem is that I’m pissed off at God.
Yup, you heard me right.

I do need help — His help.
It’s selfish of me to wail that I’m alone when I have the Big Guy looking out for me, as well as the fact that I always have a friend in myself.

The problem is that I feel like He abandoned me.
And I’m angry with Him.
I’m not sure entirely how to reconcile that, but I am sure with time and a bit of elbow grease, I will.

Because I remember a phrase my Pastor said when I was in catechism,
"God always hears us, and He answers us in one of three ways. Yes, No, or He gives us something better."

I think I need a spiritual reawakening of some kind, because I’ve lived so long drowning in my fucking pride.
‘I can do everything on my own. I’m smart and resourceful and strong. I don’t need anyone or anything.’
Not to mention, I’ve spent so many years being ungrateful. For everything.

And I’m a big believer that you receive what you put out into the world.
If you treat the world as you would garbage, it will be wrathful in kind.
It is time I start to acting in acknowledgment of that fact.

It’s just strange, because today I started to make sense of spiritual things.
Through Nature especially, I feel so connected to something greater and bigger than myself.
And to be honest, I held the world and then I spit in God’s face (by being ungrateful, selfish, and ruled by pride) and so my fall is more painful than necessary.
But everything happens for a reason, and I truly believe that, deep down.

Things do tend to go smoother, easier when you give up trying to control everything,
and just accept instead that some things are senseless.
Perhaps I will one day achieve all that my heart desires, but I know this: I cannot do it alone.

I think that, in order to receive (step one) and appreciate (step two) love, one must first love themselves (and God/Higher Power/whatever).
Operating out of hate and anger will bring you just that — ahh, the boomerang effect. Seriously.

In any case,
I am tired. I have accomplished much today.
And philosophy is hard when your brain feels clogged with negative emotions.

I am happier though, and the road is getting even clearer and easier to walk upon.

Wish me luck and love on my journey.

I am merely stating that I believe in God and his Love and powers of true healing…..
however, "christianity" and "church"? that will probably take me quite some time to figure out where I stand on those issues.


PS. Dear the band "Red",
I think I know why I was so obsessed with you for the past month and a half. Because it was a sign……..maybe.

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One of the greatest things about God is that he can handle our anger. He can handle our honest. He can handle our up and down, roller coaster emotions. He can handle our doubts and fears. So be angry. Work through it. Have doubts–search out answers. God can handle it–and He will hold you and walk you through it all. 🙂

April 14, 2013