my declaration

Day Zero Project

I will not live by what I fear.
I will instead live by what I trust.
I will ask for a stronger back instead of a lighter load.
And I will sometimes fall, but each time I do, I will stand back up
and say, "You hit like a bitch".
I will acknowledge the Sad Clouds but I will not let them overcome me,
and even in my weakest moments, when it all becomes too overwhelming,
when I am struggling, blinded by sheer emotion… I will pull myself out.
Because I have the strength, the intelligence, and the ingenuity to do so.

I will never let another dictate to me what I should do and who I should be.
I am who I am, and I promise to always be true to myself, even if it wounds others,
or causes anger to rise up in them like Triton from the sea.
My decisions will be mine alone, cleared from as many outside influences as possible.
Because only I know what will truly bring me happiness and potential.
And I can and will be an island when necessary.

I will discard the past, prevent it from choking the seeds of new life out of my veins.
I have spent long enough being owned by it, beaten into submission through the clever use of guilt. . .
I can change nothing, only hold my head high and keep walking.
Because, in the end, everything happens for a reason, and fate?
Fate has a way of showing us how the twisted paths all smooth out and connect, in time.

I will cultivate and nurture balance, because it is a universal truth in life that cannot be ignored.
Through self-awareness and means made of zen, I will achieve balance, or at least get within a breath’s distance of it.
Although I will never elude my soul-deep passion to chase excitement, fluidity,
I will observe the fact that stability must needs also be present.

I will achieve everything and anything I put my mind to. . .
if I can dream it, I can do it.
I will learn to believe in myself, and trust my instincts, even when terror twists my intestines.
I will remember that a wrong choice is always better than no choice at all;
because, after all, a woman uses her intelligence to reason her indecision.

I will stand tall, I will stand strong, and I will stand proud.
No matter what.

I dare you to tell me that the essence of me is not good enough;
because you will be talking to brick and stone.
I will be a mirror that will reflect your words back upon you;
you may even crack your eyes open & see that your callous, venomous words
come from a deep place of self-deprecation and unworthiness.

Dear World,
Take me as I am or not at all.
I will glitter, resonate with love, goodwill, kindness, and gratitude all the same.


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