ending All be FUCKED

^^dustin ^^  A single bullet with your name on it, finger on the triger, loaded and ready. says:

good for you. but fuck im pissed and now i cant calm down. cause you have really pissed me off.

`manda says:

Because I spoke the truth?

`manda says:

Anger gets you shit nowhere, Dustin.

`manda says:

If I died tomorrow, I’d guess you’d probably feel pretty guilty for being some pissy-child.

^^dustin ^^  A single bullet with your name on it, finger on the triger, loaded and ready. says:

yeah. prolly, but if i died tomorrow you would prolly fuckin dance on my grave.

`manda says:


`manda says:

You’re being pissy just so you’ll win.

`manda says:

What reaction do you want out of me?

^^dustin ^^  A single bullet with your name on it, finger on the triger, loaded and ready. says:

you always do this. its you or emily thats always right. no one else. cause no one is important to you. well i guess you want me out of your life. so i guess this is good bye im done with the drama. oh. and




Fuck you too.


`manda says:

Okay, you can go ahead and leave. But you know you’re taking the easy way out.

`manda says:

You have to live with yourself, I do not.

`manda says:

So, go ahead and leave, but problems don’t just disappear when you walk away.

<p style="margin: 0in 0.9pt 0.0001pt0.05in;” class=”MsoNormal”>^^dustin ^^  A single bullet with your name on it, finger on the triger, loaded and ready. says:

maybe i want to. cause i have someother shit that i have to deal with other than your goddamn drama.

`manda says:

I’m not trying to create drama.

^^dustin ^^  A single bullet with your name on it, finger on the triger, loaded and ready. says:

fuck, really? i couldnt tell

`manda says:

I’m trying to state my opinion calmly, and have you accept it and move on, but you’re being difficult.

`manda says:

You’re letting your anger get in the way.

`manda says:

You’re letting anger control you.

`manda says:

I’m just trying to live my life the way I want to. I don’t care if it’s good enough for the rest of the world. And yeah, I make mistakes. Everyone does. I’m not fucking perfect. But I have to live with myself. I can’t please everyone, and you have to understand that.

`manda says:

But fine, if you want to leave, then leave. Then, I guess this is goodbye. I’m not going to apologize to you.

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