Writing Under The Stars

.. I wish I could, right now. I wish I could write underneath the stars on a warm, summer night. Kind of reminds me when there were shooting stars outside, but I didn’t see a single one. From then on, I never believed in shooting stars ever again. Why? Because I’d just hooked up my best friend with my ex-boyfriend, whom I still had some feelings for, and my other best friend and I were fighting. Basically, God was pissing on my head, and I wanted to see a shooting star, just to make sure there was some hope left in the world, and I didn’t even get that tiny trickle of hope.
Of course, I’ve come some way from there. I’ve learned that you can’t expect God to show you hope; you have to stir some up of your own. I believe in destiny, but God only comes halfway, and you have to pick up the other end of that string. That string of hope is attached to your very own shooting star – a light that will lead you and keep you believing.
Which brings me to my next part – why do people think that things should just be handed to them? Here’s a tip : work for it, and I swear to God you’ll get it in the end. It will arrive on your doorstep with a warm welcome from you. A’s in school are not magic, and you aren’t stupid – some people just refuse to put in the work, and thus, the F on the report card.
Well, my friends, I must part for now.
More later – with lots of love and luck.
<3 Amanda

Quote of the day: "This above all: to thine own self be true."

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