Look, You Might Just See

My last entry raised some controversy. I had one really sweet note, one kind-of bitchy one, and one "meh, here’s my take on it" one.
Judge me if you like, but I don’t find it wrong to crave knowing people. I feel like there is no point in life, in friendships, in relationships, if you can’t identify who someone else is, really get to know them. If for no other reason, you must figure out who others are in order to learn from them and be able to walk away with others’ life stories to benefit you. I am not suggesting that total strangers should pour out their souls to me, I am merely suggesting that finding who you are and being proud enough to share that with someone (perhaps someone weaker, younger, equal, or even greater than you) is a novelty in life. I believe that there is no better way to live.
Most believe that some are "discovering" who they are because they simply don’t like what they see. All I’m saying is, look, none of us are perfect. And certainly there is room for all of us to grow…it’s a constant in life. And I do believe that we are always changing. But if you can just stop…just stop and see yourself in a singular moment and go…"Yeah, everyone, this is me. Have a problem with that? Go to hell." I think that’s a great thing to have, a great way to be.
I can’t stand the thought of all of these people in the world……wonderful, diverse people with so much life, so many stories….hiding it from everyone. For what? To protect yourself? From what? Judgment? You know what I say to that? Fuck ’em. Life involves great risk….and that includes making yourself vulnerable sometimes. I understand some people abhor the thought of being vulnerable, and that’s fine. I just don’t see that as living life to the fullest. But far be in from me to judge. It’s just the way I see the world.
And yeah, I’m young yet. I’m almost positive I don’t truly grasp my identity. But I’m not one of those stupid people who are too afraid to look in the mirror, or worse, seeing something they don’t like in the mirror and hiding it from everyone. I’m sure my personality will change, aspects about me will morph into something else entirely. But I’m not afraid of that prospect. I embrace it, in fact.  And, in my eyes, all people have a basic "identity" from the moment they are born.
So, hope that helps a little. I know I don’t need to justify or validate myself/my opinions to anyone, but I wanted to.
So there it is.
Love always,

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July 10, 2009

you’re my hero.