Make it Myself

It makes me so annoyed, thinking of how great this summer would be getting if I were still with SC. I know, I know, get over it already. But M’s going to be starting "school" in the place that I work, downtown, and we would be able to meet up with SC any evening, picnics in parks, hanging out at his place, etc. It wouldn’t be hard to see each other anymore. And then when I got my own place closer to work, well, perfection. Right by the Rose Garden. Next basketball season would have been amazing. But it’s done.

I guess the thing is, I need to make it amazing even though I’m by myself. Myself and M. And someone will come along at some other time. It’s just… I don’t believe in fate, and if I could have not effed this relationship up so quickly, I would be having so much fun right now. (Unless of course I was right, and he was starting to hate me and THAT was why we were never seeing each other, lol.)

Things. Goals.

  1. Plan meals and thus…
  2. Save money, and…
  3. Lose weight
  4. Complete lawschool applications and…
  5. Study/ register for LSAT
  6. Budget and
  7. Find AFFORDABLE place to live that is not my mother’s house, but…
  8. Keep things as ‘okay’ as I can while I’m here

What else, what else? I guess nothing.


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