There You Are

 Quote: "The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty, not knowing what comes next." -Ursula K. LeGuin

I need to write more. It’s so much easier to write a little at a time rather than one giant recap.

I don’t have the time to really get into how things are going, just know that things are good. I’m happy and 21 years old. My second semester away from school was a good one, maybe even better than the the first. Friendships deepened and though there are some people who have come and gone, I know that such is life and focusing on the here and now is more important.

I’ve kept my 3.34 GPA and am still part of the broadcasting department. The classes continue to challenge me more and more everyday. As I become more involved in the program I have been lucky enough to discover I’m lucky enough to have some natural interviewing skills and have been told I’m a solid writer. There is plenty of room for improvement in both. My weaknesses all relate to buttons or wires or anything technical. We’ll see where this takes me.

I’ve been home since mid-May and have plenty of summer adventures to write about. Turning 21 has literally been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Drinking with friends, family, strangers…I believe in all of it. There is no bond stronger than that of one drunk to another and I believe that most of the time these bonds last longer after the hangover has subsided.

I’m currently without a girlfriend though that’s not to say there is not a love interest. Just as school was wrapping up I found myself involved with a beautiful but troubled young girl. It’s safe to say that description fits nearly everyone I’ve ever dated. We have since parted ways and I’d like to think I’ll write about her soon. I really believe I loved her and I think she loved me too, at least the best as she knew how.

I’m intent on keeping the past, in the past, but I promise to write down some of the stories from last semester as well as continue updating. I’ve received so many kind notes. I’m sorry I don’t write more. It really does mean a lot to know that I’ve had reader’s keeping up with me for years. I promise to give a better update soon.

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July 1, 2010

I am SO GLAD you are alive and doing well! You can’t leave your lurkers hanging for 5 months like that!

July 5, 2010

Yay! An update! I understand, though. I don’t update as much as I should either. Life gets in the way.