Popping the Bubble

Quote: "You cannot help but learn more as you take the world into your hands. Take it up reverently, for it is an old piece of clay, with millions of thumbprints on it." -John Updike

The party I wrote about throwing in my last entry, nearly a month ago, went off without a hitch. I partied a little too hard with good friends. Someone threw a drink, making another cry. A girl cheated on her boyfriend in my living room. Someone I never would have dreamed of letting into my house a year ago plunged my toilet which became clogged over the night, thus cementing our friendship. I consider all the so called "negative" events a contribution to the party’s success.

I spoke of moral dilemma’s a month ago and now that time has passed, it was much ado about nothing. It’s a common theme in this diary and my life, worrying about events that don’t matter much in the long run.

Not much is going to come of the sad but pretty married girl. We’ve drunkenly made out since the last time I wrote about it, but it won’t go further than that. Why? Because she’s exotic and like’s bad boys. I’m a wimp with a guilty conscience. That said, she took me to a party last night, in a town I never go to. I was the only white guy there, one of the few who didn’t speak Spanish. If you’d told me I’d end up there, with her, when I’d woke up that morning, I wouldn’t have believed you. I sure am glad I went though. It was a group of people who were completely different than me. Different town, race, problems, jobs…you name it. But watching them make joke around with eachother, taking shots with them, hearing their stories, I didn’t feel much of a difference. I mean sure, my white Irish skin made me stand out substantially, but they were some of the nicest guys and girls I’ve met in a long time.

I apologize if this is coming off as some lame entry on racial tolerance, believe me, that’s not what I’m going for. I went because I need to start opening my eyes to different experiences. I got my housing assignment for school this fall. I wasn’t placed into the dorm with my friend, instead, a hotel with a stranger. The hotel is 3 miles away from school and is associated with the school, but obviously not on campus. I know nothing about my roommate, aside from his name being Josh. I looked him up on facebook and was met with a private page. I haven’t E-mailed him yet, I’m hoping he’ll send one first.
I’ve gone through the various roommate cliches: jock, nerd, party animal, man-whore, bible thumber, emo kid, goth guy, theatre kid, drug dealer and so on. Truthfully, I fear each of them for various reasons. I’ve decided I can handle the nerd or bible thumper with ease. Any situation where I’m the "bad" one, is ok by me. The jock and party animal would both be much different than the people I’m accustomed to spending time with, but tagging along with them when they go out will probably lead to memorable nights. The man-whore is another cliche I assume to be positive. He’ll need a wingman and I’d be more than happy to oblidge. Emo? I can handle it, he probably has a great c.d. collection. Theatre kid? Probably going to be dramatic, but I’ve been accused of being similar. Him along with Emo boy may cry in front of me. That makes me nervous. As does Goth Guy becuase I don’t think I’ll have a thing to talk about him with. My issue’s with the drug dealer should be ovious.

Sure, sending the future roommate an E-mail will allow me to figure out what I’m dealing with, but that will only give me a new set of nerves that I’m not sure I’m ready for.These potential roommate cliche’s have had me on edge or at least they did until last night. There I was, hanging out with strangers with whom I had nothing in common. It was a feat even getting me to attend that party because I so often balk at the unfamilliar. I’m finished with that now. Come August 30th I’ll be living with a bunch of strangers, attending a new school, living in a totally different element. I’m really working on shedding my judgemental side and popping the bubble I live in.

That said, still plan on waiting for the future roommate to E-mail me.

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July 16, 2009

I’m glad I never had to have a roommate. I’m just not a roommate kind of person. I think the only reason I can share a room with my husband now is because we have the rest of the house and don’t use the bedroom for much besides sleeping and changing.

July 20, 2009

you forgot about the gay guy. what if he hits on you and climbs into your bed when you’re sleeping?! haha. i truly doubt that would happen, but you should always be prepared! whatever happens, you’re strong enough to handle the situation. and even if you don’t like your roomate, chances are there will be so many other people to hang out with, it won’t even matter.

July 21, 2009

i do suggest sending an email, especially if he doesn’t send one soon, but in the long run you probably won’t know what your dealing with until a few months in. it’s quite common for a person’s habits to be totally different from their interests. that will be the important part. that being sad, no matter who you end up with, it will probably be good for you in one way or another :]