Brand New

Quote: "The kind of song that makes people glad to where they are with whoever they’re there with…" -Brand New

Thr rush I felt upon entering the dorm cannot be described. We burst through the doors to be greeted with hugs, hand shakes and high fives. We busted out our cleverly concealed alcohol and began pouring shots immediately. Doors were opening in half an hour but the opening band didn’t matter much to us. We were there for one reason: Brand New. The band I’ve tried multiple times to get tickets for, only to fail numerous times. The band who’s songs got me through high school. Every break up, every fight, every road trip, bad, day, good day and party for the past 5 years. Nothing about the night was the way I’d pictured it when the tickets were purchased in February and you know what? That’s really not a bad thing.

More than buzzed we exited the dorm. All ten of us, best friends, good friends, sort of friends, new friends and a relative stranger crossed the campus as the skies opened up.The rain poured down on us as we ran to the building in which Brand New was to play. I threw my hoodie to a pretty girl who had begged for it and entered the concert hall with glee. It was there that I was greeted by more people who I’d lost touch with, people I missed. When I say nearly everyone I know was at the show, I’m only exagerrating slightly. As we prepared for the band to enter the stage we pushed our way to the front. Me, Mike, Scott, Blaise, Joe and Robbie, struggling to reach the stage, eyes lit up, hearts pounding. And then Jesse Lacey began to sing.

The drunken rush I felt, bobbing and shoving to the music is indescribable. I could not have asked for a better show. To be honest, I couldn’t have asked for a better night. A night in which I carred a handle of Southern Comfort in my back, taking a shot whenever the mood struck.

Aside from bonding with old friends I was able to let go of alot of things that had bothered me in the past. I ran into Anthony, the guy who I got into a fist fight with nearly a year ago, who is now dating my cousin. While he’d been informed that I’d long ago buried the hatchett it felt good to discuss face to face, alcohol providing us the balls to discuss the awkward situation. We each had been wrong in our own way and both us had had out points. Our truce was made official with a hand shake and multiple shots and it feels good.

It feels good to let go. Holding a grudge, holding onto anger, it’s exhausting. For a long time I didn’t understand the phrase "there’s no weakness in forgiveness," but I believe it with my whole heart  now. Putting aside differences doesn’t make you weak. Letting go of a past relationship doesn’t have to be sad. It can and should be liberating. I was drinking at Kristina’s school but I wasn’t flooded with memories of a girl who hurt me. I could no longer understand why I had gotten angry with mutual friends who had kept in touch with her after the break up. It was over. I walked away and took with me lessons that will only make me stronger, make me better.

I’m ready to turn a new leaf, meet new people, have new experiences. I kissed a new girl that night. Her name is Nicole and she knew the words to all songs they played and genuinely seemed interested when I told her about my future plans. We’ve got plans, a date even, in a matter of days. I’m not sure where it will go but I’m not worried about it. It’ll be nice to spend some time with a pretty girl. I’ve known her for some time, met her through a friend of a friend years ago, never expected her to be anything but an acquaintence. It was another pleasant surprise in a night full of laughs and drinks.

Most of Friday night comes together in a blur. Rain, Southern Comfort, high fives, piggy back rides, Dr. Pepper, Jesse Lacey, hoarse voices, drunk texts, belly laughs and sleeping bags. There weren’t many pictures taken that night and in a way I’m glad. I’ve only got my own memory to piece together the events. It was the kind of night you just want to talk about to anyone who will listen the next day. I live for nights like this.

I’m happy to be starting over in various aspects of my life. It’s been a long road, getting to where I am now, opening myself up to new experiences and letting go of the past. Everything that has happened to me over the past few months has prepared me for this, to get out of town and start something new. My interview at Montclair is a mere 8 days away. The next 30 days promise to be big.

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April 12, 2009

make sure you experience more days like this. and hold on to them forever. the best times in life are the days shared with your favorite people, doing the stupidest things, and talking like you will never be apart…