Random Jolly Grouchings.

You know who I hate? Well, obviously you know there’s Ali, the Donkey-Witch, George Bush, Jordan etc… But do you know who I hate at this precise moment? Hopefully not, as that means your in my head and I’m imagining this whole reality and that I’m really nothing more than a disembodied state of consciousness. Which would make it incredibly challenging to go to the pub. Anyway, I’ll tell you. Are you ready? Richard Dawkins. Richard Bloody Dawkins.

"Look at me, I wrote the God Delusion!". Yes Mr Dawkins, yes you did. The thing is that it’s crap. I don’t believe in God either but I’m not a pompous arse about it. The whole book has this attitude of "I’m right, everyone else is wrong, aren’t I superior?". You may be right- you may not. Who the hell knows?

That makes me sound agnostic. I’m not- I think there’s more chance of my penis turning into a leopard print harpsichord than of God existing. Infact I believe there is no God. End of. However, the key word is believe. I don’t know because I have no proof either way. We have comprehensive theories as to the existence and laws of the universe but even then a lot of it is educated guess work. They believe their theories are right. People who believe in God, Shiva, Allah, Satan, The Flying Spaghetti Monster… they also BELIVE they are right. We don’t believe they are, but that’s our choice. Mr Dawkins seems to think that free will should go hang- he is right and that’s it.

He has the right to knock the Bible, the Q’ran, the Torah, but then rwrites his own holy text of self important righteousness. I hope a herd of wild donkeys gnaws off his nipples and stitches them over his eyes. That would be an interesting one to explain in casualty.

Anyway, that’s enough nagging about morons- I do that enough when I’m moaning about myself! I’ve actually had a moderately lovely day today, helping to look after my friends kids- aren’t I a little angel. The answer is no. I just wanted to play with the Duplo really, but I helped too so I got my tick and smiley face for the day. I’m off to go and meet one of my old cronies in a bit to play daft computer games and complain about the state of the universe. We’re basically a living ‘Grumpy Old Men’ script. Only I’m sexier and he’s grumpier. He’s a bit of a drama queen, which is probably why we get on so well!

Anyway my dear, I am now away, for morning in a bowl of light hath cast the stone that puts the weary stars to flight. So see ya!


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August 2, 2010

Good typing skills….. -Who is Richard Dawkins?

August 2, 2010

Lol, just found you randomly and this made me laugh. I totally agree- I find it aggravating how aggressively Dawkins and other such inbeciles defend their (lack of) beliefs to the point that they pinch atheism into a sort of warped belief system in itself.. Pompous (and hypocritical) pricks.. xX

August 2, 2010

Only YOU, Thomas, can make me laugh on the very same day my cat does a dead. Love you, oh yes I do. xxxxxxxxx

I’ve never heard of him or his book. I would look him up but I’ll take your word for it that he’s an idiot.

If you’d said that last line over the phone yesterday, I’d have prostituted myself to get airfare money and flown over to seduce you. After I showered, of course.

PS. If your boy bits turn into a leopard print harpsichord, I’d still play it. >:D

August 2, 2010

That’s okay, someone played free bird on the juke box today at work so I’ve had my fix. I will be sure to not read any Richard Dawkins books. I don’t believe in God either, but there are some things I like about religion. Like the Jews. Their little books they look off of during services reads like poetry. Its really pretty, and its got a lot of nice feel good messages.

August 3, 2010

people need to just feel fulfilled with believing what they believe rather than trying to get other people to believe it, ’cause wasting energy that way only takes it all away from your own efforts. I hope you’re having an awesome now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*