May you live in interesting times…

Hello to thee my little web-piglets!

I have finally dragged my pert little behind back into work after a week of sunbathing and trying to cope with ruinous sunburn. I have been a little bored so it’s nice to get back into the thick of it again! And, to my delight, I’m finally being respected and appreciated in a job!

I know that sounds very self centered, but I’ve fought an uphill battle against sexism and the inability to accept that may ways may be good ways even though they don’t involve excess paperwork. I slogged my guts out in that nursery in Wales and got nowhere over the course of three years. I’ve been in my new job for one month and I’m recieving texts to inform me that the senior management are hugely happy with the way I’m working and fitting in. That means a lot to me- I don’t ask for much (apart from gold, fast cars and lost women (I’d like to say loose women but they scare me)) and that little piack me up has made my year so far.

I’ve also been asked to lead a class tomorrow. A whole class that I can demand to do my bidding. I’m teaching gardening and messy play combined so it should be great. After one month they trust me with teaching a class. I’m so proud that they believe I can do this and that my efforts are being noticed. It may not sound a lot to you hectic business types with your I-nets, interpods and CD players, but to me it’s life itself. Being accepted and appreciated. I feel like I’ve come home.

Obviously I have, but y’know.

Anyways, other than work, I’ve finally begun writing my epic fantasy novel (again) and I’ve made new friends and all sorts. Life’s not too bad when you look below the murky crust really. It’s like a cheap pie. Though if your pies are murky by all means take them back to the baker. Unless you like murky pies. In which case we can no longer associate. Get out.

What more to say… ummmmmm… Oh yes, me and my friends are buying a beach hut together too so soon I’ll have an 8th of a property empire! Hurrah! That way when you all come to visit for one of my debauched cake and alcohol soirees we all have somewhere to have a fry up the next day… or even somewhere to hold the soiree! Nifty eh?

Over this summer I intend to travel about a bit- hopefully to London, Winchester, Leicester, the bleak and heathen north (Cleckheaton) and maybe even that dysentry soaked puddle in which I used to dwell in North Wales. Mmmmm, dysentry So if any of you dwell in the above places (though obviously only the lost, the damned and the syphilitic dwell in Cleckheaton) I would love to meet up with you. Even if I haven’t met you before. If Lilly Allen is reading this then the invite takes on a slightly begging tone. Sweet, sweet Lilly, with all of your face and knees. And, if you so wish, my southern demesne is available for shin-digs, kness-ups and hootenanies, but NO ALL NIGHT RAVES! Oh all right, a couple.

I may even brew up some wine for the occassion if I can get the time. I probably won’t but you never know!

Right now I’m sat in my darling mama’s office while she’s in a meeting, thus meaning I have the time to do this AND a free lift home- cashback! What useful things families are! It’s bloody boiling though so by the time I see any of you next I’ll probably be about 3 inches tall due to melting. Oh well, at least it’ll save money on clothes- I can shop in the premature section of Mothercare. Again.

This is probably amongst the longest entries I’ve ever written. I feel lost alone and scared. I like it- it adds a certain frisson to the day.

With that thought I shall return you to your usual programming.


Tom Kilby
1984 Cord Wangler of the Year, Sudbury Regional Finalist

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Goodness me, you make me laugh long time! Good luck with your class leading tomorrow, will you be training them to be your army? The Kilby Killers has a nice ring to it. If you come to Cleck…I will visit! x

June 7, 2010

You twat I don’t live in Cleckheaton any more – I live in Leeds!!! I moved in with Darren remember! Lee Mee xXx PS – thanks for my note pookie. I did a little wee of excitement in my chair!

June 7, 2010

Well done on the new job, and good luck for tomorrow! xx

June 8, 2010

congrats on the new gig and actually being appreciated and challenged. I hope you’re having an awesome now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

June 9, 2010

People haven’t appreciated you before? I think they may have to die. Addresses please! X

June 10, 2010

Oh squire, I loved this. You make me wee. Not on you though, of course. We’ve been over this. Tom, I am so, so, so, so, SO proud of you. Honestly. I’m so delighted that people are finally recognising your hard work and enthusiasm for what you’re doing, and that you’re being rewarded and praised for it. When you’re in London, come over for a shag and a cupcake. That is all. xxxxxxxxxx

June 20, 2010

RYN: You know I’ll happily massage anything of yours my little ferret! Lee Mee xXx