Ummmm… So What!?

Wow, America’s ogt a new president. Let us all galavant in the streets, sing his prayers and right democratic slogans  on every available surface. Or, alternatively, consider the fact that people are only excited because the vote wasn’t rigged this time. It doesn’t MEAN anything. Every politician says they’ll cure cancer, invent the unicorn and that God personally visits his office every day to give him a sandwich and the offer of extra-marital sex. It goes with the territory.

Americans: Fair enough- he’s your president, celebrate if you will. You voted him in si right vote or wrong, you MUST celebrate your victory. I have nothing against monsieur Obama, I just dislike politicians in general. Don’t fall into the trap of unconditional trust. A certain mr. Hitler relied on that for a while.

Everyone else: We’re all going to remain reliant on, and under the yolk of, America. calm down and get with the real progremme. Until we have decent politicians over here they may as well vote for Oscar the Grouch or Danny DeVito- we’ll be under the cosh regardless!

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November 6, 2008

Fabulous! I feel like I am going to be beaten for daring to suggest that Obama isn’t the second coming, he’s just a politician. I feel like I was absent the day they handed out the koolaid. cheers!

November 6, 2008

Fair enough. I think Obama is probably the best of a bad bunch though 🙂 xxx

Ah, cynicism.

November 6, 2008

You’re such a cynical little pup! I do so love you though, I’d vote for you to be president. Except I’d make you turn it down because you already live too bloody far away! Lee Mee xXx

November 7, 2008

yeah, of all the crap in Washington, Obama’s got the most potential for doing good things, and I hope he’s successful in bringing this country back to a respected status. *peace signs and smiley faces*

Agreed, but it is nice that our President now comes in two colors.

Excuse me, lover. I demand a new entry from you. And for you to get on MSN more often, when I’m actually around. I feel bad for neglecting the Tom, with my rare occasions of social life. Me love you long time. <3

December 31, 2008

RYN: Why aren’t you out? It’s New Year’s Eve! Lee Mee xXx