Get Down with the Sickness

I’ve been off work engaged in vomiting activities for 3 days now. I feel all isolated and alone- it’s like being stuck in a nuclear fallout shelter after world war 3. Yes, I’ve been playing Fallout 3 (tres bien, for those interested…)

I’ve been dabbling with the internet lately too, and I can safely say it’s the most underwhelming experience of my life so far. I don’t know why I expected having the internet at home would be some form of spiritual metamorphosis, but I’m already bored of it. Thank god I’m getting it for free or I’d be mighty vexed I can tell you!

In other news, I still have no other news so this is going to be another failure of an entry. No wonder my readership is so low these days- I never note people, I hardly write, and when I do it’s to tell people I have nothing to write. Oh well. If you made it this far without developing narcolepsy then well done to you. Go into a field crawl under a cow and recieve a pat on the back.


Two atoms went into a bar, sat down and started drinking. One of the atoms looks up with a look of mild dismay and says "My God, I think I’ve lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?" replied his erstwhile associate.
To which the first replied "I’m positive!"

Yes, that joke is a test of your nerdiness. Should you laugh then shame on you you’re nearly as bad as me…

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I fear I may be as much of a nerd as you. This pleases the Candice. My 5yr old demonchld is singing the roflmao song. If you haven’t experienced the joy, let me know and I’ll provide a link. *headdesk*

November 6, 2008

Hehehehe, yay science jokes 🙂 I lolled. *slinks off in shame* xxx

November 6, 2008

I’m definitely a nerd. I snorted apple plear and mulled plum smoothie out of my nose. “No wonder my readership is so low these days- I never note people, I hardly write…” and yet I still love you. Now you will NOTE ME MORE and get your bitch ass on MSN more because I love you and I miss you and I’ve been waiting for you to get yourself connected for YEARS! Lee Mee xXx</center>

November 6, 2008

heh, that joke was amusing. 🙂

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.

November 6, 2008

what if I saw the punchline coming a mile away and still smirked, does that make make me more or less of a nerd? I hope you’re having a nice now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*