The White Cider the Tracks

WHY??? Why oh why am I so foolish as to drink white cider. I know I hate it, EVERYBODY hates it. Yet I bought some and drank it and I now have a hangover so bad that I fear my intestines will climb up my throat, burst out of my nose and garotte me to put us all out of our misery. Sigh.

To add to my woes, I was supposed to have a game of Warhammer at the shop but I didn’t want to so I left my models at home, was going to pretend I’d forgotten them and therefore stand the guy up without looking like a bastard. The thing is, he hasn’t turned up for the game we were supposed to have either, so he’s stood me up to. I don’t know who has stood who up first, or if the two standing ups have negated each other and put us on a level playing field. I’m very confused. And old.

I’ve also dyed the majority of my hair. I would have dyed all of it (I started last Friday), but I got very bored doing it because it took me away from my computer and other  more enjoyable things so I’ve left the back undone. I look like a cross between Morticia Addams and a tabby cat. this was not the look I was heading for. I also hate the bits that I have dyed. It’s balck by the way. Nevermind, it may grow on me. At least I hope it’ll grow on me, what with it being my hair and all… oh well.

I’ve bought jewellery this month too- a hippy beady necklace thing and a big bracelet that I bought because it makes me look like an elf or a power ranger. Maybe a combination thereof. A power elf? An Elf Ranger- ooooh Dungeons and Dragons…. Sorry, typing mental tagents doesn’t really make for worthwhile reading…

I can’t think of anything else to type… my white cider addled reactions have imploded, alas and alack. Ho hum…

Bye, by the way…

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May 17, 2008

You are morphilicious. xxx

May 17, 2008

You are completely fabulous Tom Kilby Lord of The Dance. I didn’t say I didn’t love the song, I just said it didn’t fit with the rest of the playlist! Lee Mee xXx

May 17, 2008

you make me laugh genuinely, man. hope you’re having a nice now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

May 17, 2008

*blows raspberry*

May 18, 2008

WHY WHITE CIDER?! Why couldn’t you be bothered to dye your whole head? It only takes 10mins surely?!