The Great Unclean One

Hail to thee, oh internet types. Word up. Shizzle my nizzle. Hello.

I am in the shop again, filling my mouth with pasties and coke (that’s the soft drink, not crack. I wouldn’t put that in my mouth, that’s what my nose is for) and filling my mind with the empty vacuuousness that makes me the social diva you all know and just about tolerate if the weather’s nice but not too warm and the share price for American Express is doing ok. I’m also filling a purpose built folder with my pokemon cards, but that’s a can of worms I have no intention of opening (ed. Lie- it’s a folder full of Pokemon cards).

Well, this week has been full of the dull repetition to be expected of a Welsh mountain town. I have, on the other hand, taken my Warhammer painting to a whole new level, proving that not only am I socially inept, I also make Comic Store Guy from the Simpson seem way cool. The fact I just typed the phrase ‘way cool’ further strengthens this manly, outdoorsy image. I made alcoholic punch so pungent it could have floored a moose in 5 seconds last night though, before drinking the whole bally lot. It was painful this morning, I can tell you! My friends Mathius and Terrybauld came round for a few tasty alcoholic treats, so much fun was had by all!

I’m going to be head cook at work soon as the cook has 2 weeks booked off- I can finally show everyone my culinary prowess. Filet mignons in sauce bernaise for all! HUZZAH! I’m not making that though. I just advise you all to go and buy some!

I’ve just bought a pack of pokemon cards and got a Lucario level X, I am saddened that I find this exciting.

Well anyway, as it is painfully clear that any inspiration I may have had has long upped and fled I shall leave you to your quiet musings on the semi-divine.


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January 26, 2008

Lucario is exciting? Eh, I know nothing of the cards, so I can’t comment on that. 🙂

January 26, 2008


January 26, 2008

You said “bally” May I lick your face? Lee Mee xXx

January 26, 2008

Sarah you’re a b*stard. I thought I’d won this round! Lee Mee xXx

I would like to point out that I find watching a man paint Warhammer models highly erotic. Bwaha. Yes, I’m serious, and yes I’m one hell of a geek.

This… was mostly about Pokemon. I don’t know what I think of that.

February 4, 2008

before anyone really knew what pokenmon cards really were my mom went to woolworths and got a box of about 10 starter packs for £4.99 because she thought you got the whole lot rather than just one pack, AND SOME IDIOT AT WOOLWORTHS GAVE THEM TO HER! Can never get over that. NEVER! My mother scammed woolworths, word! -random-