The Bethesda Both Worlds

Yes, it is looking increasingly likely that I will be living in my £60 a week house in Bethesda. And as it’s in Snowdonia and half way up a mountain the view from the house is amazing!

I spent this weekend in the company of Martin and Nicky and did some strimming of the garden for my land lady. She then bought me beer and fed me curry! I have a hard life- you must all pity me, surely?!

I may get some pet firebelly newts as well as snakeses as they are cheap. Much like myself.

It’s too hot. I hate heat waves and humidity. I like cold waves and… umm…. Humidity, hum-idity… ermm…. songidity. That’s the wittiest I can manage. And that, ladies and jelly tots, is why I am on minimum wage.

Anyway, as I am rapidly running into negative inspiration I will let thee lie.

Adieu! Adieu! Adieu! Remember me…. (10 points to whoever can name the Shakespeare play from which that is extracted.)

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June 11, 2007

depends on what kind of points they are….

June 11, 2007

It’s terribly hot today, ps, I love the style of your writing, very nice. and that line is from Hamlet, I had to read that in high-school hence why I remember.

June 11, 2007

your writing is fun to read. hope you’re having a nice now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

June 11, 2007

It’s Hamlet isn’t it? I am going to call you this evening and you are going to answer and we are going to chat and giggle about newts. Particularly the newts in Matilda. I love you crazy lady. YOU GOT THE HOUSE!!!! Lee Mee xXx

Parting is such sweet sorrow. -Carolyn

June 12, 2007

I thought Carolyn said “Parking is such sweet sorrow”. Oh it is, it is, especially when it’s metered. L60/wk sounds beautifully cheap for a house. What will you do with all the space?