Snakes and Property Ladders

Howdo, merry internet folk. Yes, I know, I have been neglecting you all, but all I can say to that is peng. And possibly flonch. Either way, I’m sure you understand the situation perfectly. I know I don’t….

Anyhoooooo, the lovely Kate and I are currently about 2/3 of an inch from renting a home together- juat waiting for the lovely paperwork to return from the magical paperwork fairies. Or head office…. Or wherever else they have to go. Yes, I am leaving my student cesspit and being elevated to the rank of a demi-god by grasping manically for my beloved wonderful paypacket…. I mean hand. I don’t just want ther for her money, I also like her…. like herrrrrr…… um…… well, I like something about her I’m sure. Her ears maybe. Possibly her medula oblongata. Yes, I have a wonderful grip on romantic language. Like Slovakian.

I’m eating a sausage roll. The taste of lightly spiced, lukewarm, mashed pig snouts is like music to my ankles. Hell yeah! Or something of the sort.

Work is going very well, as we are having things stolen on an almost weekly basis. This proves that the things we have are very desirable indeed. It’s not as popular as the cemetary though…. people are dying to get in there. Sorry, I shall go and hang myself for that appaling joke.


Much better. I always enjoy a good hang. Helps blow away the cobwebs and get the old swonnicles rotating again. I’m drinking water now. It’s wet….. that’s all I have to say about that.

In completely different news, it’s my birthday on the 16th of next month, so send me lots of prezzies. My address is:

Mrs Noreen Cummerbund-Porterloo III

4,527 Sea Cucumber Avenue



4U 2P


Tattybye my little possums

Little Tommy Tinkletoes

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You are a danger to yourself and others.

September 13, 2006

mmm… wet water and pig snouts, yum!

September 13, 2006

slovakian might be a very romantic language… 😀 toodles and take care ~ Abby xox

That cemetary joke is almost pensionable… 😉 Still, I’m sure it’ll get a good send-off when it finally dies…

I attempted to leave a note but inadvertently inhaled a kumquat when I read ‘quimb*stard’… you are awful, but I like you!

September 13, 2006

hehehee, the other half of my brain summed up our thoughts nicely. I’m such a huge fan of sausages that I don’t care what goes into them as long as they taste good. on a completely unrelated note, I’m glad you and Kate are still going strong, you two seem like the kind of couple that’ll really make it. hope you’re having a nice now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

September 14, 2006

you are…you are…well, you just ARE!! Quimbstard indeed! 😛 xxx

September 14, 2006

*dies laughing* QUIM!!!! Your oaty quim! Quimbob Quimpants!!! “I’m eating a sausage roll. The taste of lightly spiced, lukewarm, mashed pig snouts is like music to my ankles. Hell yeah! Or something of the sort.” I do so love you Lord Kilby. As per your advice… and our phone conversation… I tried. I failed. And I think you’ll find that I am always right. Ergo… hertuefor… whatever. Thank you for your note you precious little pustule. Lianne Marie xXx

hey straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaager. Are you back for a bit or for a while? I really missed you!!! Bugger! I still ♥ you. xxx

oops, used to be Chanel girl and if you are ever on MSN it’s add me 😛

September 24, 2006

TOM!!!!! Remember the Happy Pig themed birthday gift I got you last year??? Well check out the website… look at the gallery pictures they’re so wonderfully random your surrealist generater couldn’t do better! Lee Mee xXx