Bar Stewards

Well, I will congratulate all of you on the amazing searching you have done on my grandad- you have found out so little that I now probably know less than I did to start with. You are all lazy so-and-sos that may well go and rot in your own crapulence. Or something….

Nevermind, I was expecting this result! I’ve contacted the Burma star association and am sending letters of to the Ministry of Defence, so I should come across some information quite soon indeed.

In other news Kate is leaving me. Yup, she’s going back home- I was expecting this day to come, but never thought it would be this soon. On Saturday she will be packing her bags, clambering onto a train and departing. I’m not even going to be at the station to see her off. I’ll be far away, bathed in alcohol, sobbing into an empty glass. This is mainly due to the fact that we are both going away- me for the weekend, she for a week. She’ll be back very soon.

Worried you all there didn’t I? Heh, I’m a creep (I’m a weirdo!)

Katie-Lou now has a job too, selling things to idiots. This means she has money so we no longer need to live on  a shoe string. Huzzah. This is fortunate as a shoe string isn’t a particularly roomy place to dwell. Or shoe lace, as they are called in the world. Bloody stupid phrases!

I’m going to a party on Fridyar, and as such will hopefully be very drink! JURASSIC PARK!


Tom, Pastor of Muppets


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May 10, 2006

You mad bastard. I challenge thee to a snog-fest – whoever (of the two of us) snogs the most people while we’re away… WINS! Just wins. Ready, set… xxx

Do idiots have much money to spare? 😉

May 10, 2006

ARE YOU ONLINE RIGHT NOW?????? Lianne Marie xXx

May 10, 2006

😀 you and Kate make me know that my brainmate and I will be just fine. hope you’re having a nice now up there, man. *peace signs and smiley faces*

didnt realise mUppets needed pastors!

May 11, 2006

lol….what the hell are you doing here? you don’t belong here!! xxx

what the hell am i doing here, i don’t belong here. yes, starting song references near me is bad. i have no further input in case i make you know less about something lol xxx

May 15, 2006

“How can someone so Norwegian burn misanthropic hamsters?” Your Random Surrealism Generator just spat that at me. I am deep in appreciation. I am also deep in I MISS TOM! I may have to run home very soon… need my Tom cuddle. xxx

Has there been any word on your grandad? Any research? Anything?