What Came First, the Grandad or the ummm…

Hello, I’m only on here briefly and am going to ask a slight favour. I am giving you all a mission that will make an old Tom very happy. Oh yes.

I’m trying to find information on my grandfather and his military career, but I’m not getting very far at all. To this end I wondered if any of you lot, if you have time on your hands, could help me with my search…

His name was Wilfred Thomas Kilby, and he fought in Burma under Colonel Slim, though he started his military career manning the anti-aircraft guns around London. He was a member of the Burma Star Association (I think it was the Wigston and District branch), and lived in Leicester all his life. He died in 1997. That’s about all I know of him really, and my father doesn’t know much more. I have a feeling he may have been a signaller or the like as we have a morse code kit that was his.

I know this is probably among the more random things I have asked of you all, but if you could help me I will be hugely appreciative.

Apart from all that, me and the Kate are still very happy, even if she did get grouchy at me for spending a poxy 5 hours on computer games… YES, I do feel very guilty, and I’m begging her to forgive me one day…

I’m tired and have very little of value to write so I shall bid you adieu!


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May 7, 2006

I feel the need to defend myself. But I can’t write. xxx

I wish you luck in finding info on him!!! Miss you! xxx

May 7, 2006

how can i help?

May 7, 2006

I will do so in return for an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii… Lianne Marie xXx

May 7, 2006

bless you…you’re still all loved up! 😀 xx