Happy Families

Howdo, my little shin-piglets!

Or something along those lines. Sorry, I’m feeling a touch scatty today. This is destined to be one of the fabled Tom Kilby rambly entries of yore, back in ye olde Englande when there were more ‘e’s to spare on the end of words. Why the hell do the do that? Did someone one day just go through the alphabet thinking "Hmmmm, which of these little letters gives an enduring and dignified sense of age?" before settling on e. Strange.

Anyway, yes. In refererence to the title my household may soon have a new member though I am not at liberty to divest this information in detail. All I will say is that the occupant will have no more than four limbs and a propensity for mild eccentricity of a twig-hurling nature. And that I’m rather excited about it…. more on that soon!

All of my shoes have broken. All of them. I’m currently borrowing a pair one size too small and seven thousand nerve endings too painful. Plus they make loud noises and are too shiny- I basically look and sound like a hippified version of famed blouse-wearing tycoon Michael "Look at de speed o’ me ould feet" Flattley. God he’s a gimp. A dancing one, but a gimp all the same. I mean, who wears those shirts on purpose???? Idiot.

I’ve just spoken to the Kate and I’m allowed to tell you what I previously alluded to. We are moving in together. Very soon, very sudden, very freaky but very, very good. She will be renting another part of the house that I live in- as such we will be together but still have our own place… it WILL work! We are meant to be! It is so weird moving in this quickly as I am the most randomly wandery person in the world but we just work so well…… oh well, watch this space for more tales of Tom and Kateness! Where was I?

Oh yes, Riverdance and the letter e. I have no idea where to move logically in this stream of drivvel from there so I will go off on a tangent. I’ve been watching a lot of Father Ted lately (Thank you Kate…) and can safely say that the only person in the world that threatens Kate’s position in my heart is Mrs Doyle as not only is she insane but she….. no, just insane. I love that! Bless her mad-Irish-tea-filled socks!

I’m bored of my NVQ (Not Very Qualified…. sorry, I mean National Vocational Qualification…) as… well, it’s crap really. That’s that subject covered. Like a pig covered in mud. Under a blanket. Working under cover as a duvet cover. Maybe.

Why do bloody chavs need there car stereos up so loud? One just drove past my office playing some drivvel, probably by someone called DJ Cock-Twister or something, so loud that the floor and my chair vibrated! It sent a shiver down my spine along my leg across the road and into the lingerie shop, shocking a number of old ladies. Or so I assume, though that is just pure conjecture!

Anyway, I’m not going to right more, as I’m bored. I shall just leave you with an after image of what Kate’s news may well have done to me (all scenes portrayed are reconstructed with the original participants):



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Dj COCKTWISTER…where ever do you find these funny little words in your head, Tomety? I am so happy for you and K8, the roomie-lover idea is way cool, you will have your own space…good thinking. XXX

April 7, 2006

{giggles}… congrats on your news!

Congratifications to you. 🙂

April 7, 2006

LMAO. Well I know you’ll take good care of her =) Well done! (My fiance and I moved in together straight away too. It was hard to adjust to at first but it worked out well – I’ve no doubt you’ll both do spendidly!)

April 7, 2006

that is an utterly scary picture. yay for the yay thing (my brain went NO WORDS COME FROM HERE!!)

April 7, 2006

holy monkeys, man, I’m happy for you two! that sounds like the perfect way to ease into that whole living together thing, and I am sending you nothing but good mojo for it. hope you’re having a fantabulous now up there. *peace signs and smiley faces*

April 7, 2006

*groans feebly* I am so hungover that I couldn’t bear to laugh at your entry… which has never happened before. I am so so so sorry about my insane drunkeness last night. I have a vague memory of calling you, cackling, belching and confiding that I have a crush on Dylan Moran. You know my thing about people who make me laugh. Well add him to the list. *shudders* Not Flatley! No

April 8, 2006

aww thats so cool you are moving in together! 😀 toodles and take care ~ abby xox

Prithee, mega(e) thumbs(e) up(e) on(e) the(e) news(e) Mr(e) T(e)!

April 8, 2006

Fukine ‘elle. Is that getting boring yet? Ie bete it’se note. Ehe? Lovee youe. xxxe

April 8, 2006

Oooh, your girlfriend can’t spell fuck. That’s not a good start, is it? Damn you, C. xxx

April 8, 2006

By the way, if you’re gonna start dating Mrs Doyle, I demand to be a third wheel on at least two occasions. So long as I can bring Father Jack. He’s gorgeous. xxxe

April 8, 2006

i saw michael flately on parkinson last night. god, what a hufter. happy for you and kate!

April 9, 2006

You’re completely bonkers, I love it 🙂