Yours Is The First Face That I Saw…

I watched her out of the window until I could no longer see her, and then the tears came. Not many, not for long, but they slowly slid down my cheeks, little rivers of sadness that, although small, had a huge meaning. The train quickly headed into the fields around Taunton, the evening sun still bright upon the emerald green of the land. The sky was a graceful blue, vapor tarails and high cloud leaving it looking fragile, like a frozen pool. The odd cloud, almost cartoon-like in shape, clung to the icy heavens like great ships stuck without purpose. I remained looking at that for a few minutes, until my tears had dried away, then turned to look at the rest of the carriage. Nothing of interest.

That’s what leaving Kate does to me.

But the thing is, although I miss her so ridiculously keenly I’m still sickeningly happy as I know we are together in a far more real sense than the distance would have you believe (sound of projectile vomitting… again…). I really think I may have found THE ONE™ (more vomit…), and I would NEVER say that! Everything is just so wonderful (god, i sound like a 1950’s Hollywood actress…)…

She came to mine the Saturday before last. I met her at the station with a kiss and a smile and took her back to mine. From thereon in I can’t seperate out the days. I neither want to or need to. All you need to know that everything has been a whirl of happiness. I cooked for her, we went out for dinner, we play fought, we kissed, we hugged, we lay together, we made love… She is everything and more. She makes my head spin, my heart explode and my swonnicles rotate (ed. God, keep away, she sounds dangerous…). I’m not even going to keep on with this line of typing as there is no point. None of you would understand my feelings unless you broke into my skull and supped on the brains within…. though I’m not sure that would help either, come to think of it…

Anyway, my life is otherwise peachy (if slightly bankrupt- I obviously caught it off Kate)- I’m working and wondering and wishing and other things beginning with ‘W’ that I do with my rustic pernash! I’m hoping to get news shoes and a mobile phone soon as I am slowly but surely being divested of these things by reasons of erosion! I destroy things far too quickly… I’m like a panzer division in a china shop. On fire. Full of china-eating termites. In a bag.

Note to self: Must curb imagination. This is why people get scared……

Anyway, I shall do my usual trick and end this entry very abruptly so:

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April 4, 2006

aww soo sweet, glad everything is going well 😀 toodles and take care ~ abby xox

When similes get out of control… that’s when hilarity ensues. I envy you the joy in your heart and your future.

April 4, 2006

ah, but some of us do understand how you feel =) And I am extremely happy for you both. To love someone and to be loved is an amazing feeling that is well deserved!

April 4, 2006

aw, dude. this is loverly.

April 4, 2006

I knew at one time how you feel, and I hope I get to feel it again. I hope you two find your ‘happily ever after,’ and sooner at that, not later.

April 4, 2006

I totally know how you feel, that’s the same way I feel with my Squid man! *giant huggles* I so love seeing you this happy

April 4, 2006

oh man, I can TOTALLY RELATE to you ’cause that’s exactly how it feels to be here with my brainmate. so happy for you two! keep it up. *peace signs and smiley faces*

April 4, 2006

*clears throat noisily* I do INDEED know how you feel you bloody wankspanner! I know you already showed me a sample of this but I still think it’s total groovejet. Love you and your swonnicles dear. Lianne Marie xXx

my lovely tomety, so good to chat with you this evening, or should I say wee hours of the morn to you? I hope you can sleep w/o k8, she is a beauty and I am so damn happy for you both, you two so fondly deserve it! I want to come to the wedding! xxx

April 5, 2006

Thanks for your note, so glad to read how giddy with happiness you are, especially as Kate seems so damn cool. And it’s a beautiful day, yah!! 🙂

April 5, 2006

Fuckin ‘ell… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

April 5, 2006

Aww, this is such a sweet (and obviously puke0inducing too, in a nice way though) entry. 🙂

RYN: Yes you are indeed an innovator Mr Tom! Excellent making-people-smile-and-giggle-about-love-entry, you and Kate are probably the sweetest couple in the northen hemisphere, and quite possible the south too 😛 I would walk to lose weight, but unfortunately I suffer from lazycowitis, plus having a car doesnt help! I just row on my rower like little row-y thing! Ta ta!

Ah-ha! I finally found ya 🙂 I’ll catch up with ya now.

RYN: I think women and men have different opinions on this matter. I think men are more likely to trust than women are. Women are more insecure really.