Save Tonight…

Well, though many of you seem to have gotten the general gist of what is going on in my life, I will elusidate further.

I and Kate, of Capulet fame, are now an item. By which I don’t mean we are a toaster, or a beautifully made elephant statuette made from real tusk, but we are boyfriend and girlfriend… though that sounds very teenage…

But yes, her visit this last weekend saw us finally closer after many flirtacious text and phone conversations, and we decided to try and give it a go. I say try, but I’m sure we will succeed. She is amazing and I’m just bloody stubborn…

The weekend started with me meeting her at the station, hugging her in a very sedate manner and walking her to my house. She then decided to go straight to the pub, where I got far too drunk and tried to kiss her in a kebab shop- I’m a man of rare class after all… We then walked home, I sobered up and then we kissed properly… AAARRGH!!!

The next day we woke up with stinking hang overs, kissed, went to the shop for cherry pie, smoothies and chocolate, kissed, went home, kissed, ate, kissed… you get the picture. I can’t leave her alone… I’m such a sad case, bless my cardboard socks… It was that evening that we decided how things should be, and I giggled in such a childish manner that I was horrified in my self, and would have flagellated had the word not sounded so foul… She also gave me a massage which made me melt, and simultaneously smell of mango cream stuff (like a solero…). God she’s attractive.. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

The next day, our last full one together, began with us strolling into town with Kate on my arm- I felt so sickeningly proud being seen with her- all those envious strangers going- "’Ow’s that ugly git managed that???". God I sound smug. Though I am. HA! We went for tea on the pier (I’m so sickeningly English), and I took her to see my work and Nicky and Martin (who, incidentaly, loved her…) and then I took her out for a meal, a bottle of wine and a wrestling match over who paid for it all… I won naturally due to the fact I’d have got stroppy otherwise. That and the fact I’d got more money than her and wouldn’t stop whining. We went home and we kissed and hugged all the way. That Night I couldn’t get the song Save Tonight from my head… I was dreading her leaving. But there is so much there…. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!

I can’t put what I want to say into words. They all sound so unlovely to describe something so beautiful. I’m sounding gushy, giggly and high, which in some ways I am, but there is no other way to express what is on my mind.

Kate is quite simply an awe inspiring, beautiful, intelligent, amazing person. I don’t know what she sees in me, but I’m so glad she sees it, and so proud and honoured to be seen with her that it makes my head explode and my swonnicles rotate.

I’m sorry to have dished all this goo out at you all, but it is my diary, and you all bothered to foolishly read through it all, so a plague on both your houses. Yes, the one in the Swiss Alps too.



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lol i guessed that would have been the news Lianne Marie has been going mental over, congrats! nice shakespeare reference xxx

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww LOVE, you gotta love LOVE! Great for you two love birdies. ♥ I love youse too as well, so I wish the best evah! xoxoxox

kate is certainly the beautiful one, isn’t she? :)take care of that kid, i adore her to bits and be sure to tell her that! LOLfrom a stranger;

ryn- i know i shouldn’t be doing it but i have my own shakespearian take to the whole thing right now ’tis but a scratch’, i don’t think it’s a big problem right now.. for somebody who never got compliments or attention for anything about my looks, this is a good change for me. you sort of get over being called the smart high achiever, it’s nicer to be called thin & pretty any day i think xxx

March 14, 2006

-swoons- you sound head over heels for her, that’s awesome, aweeee, my little Capulet has a little boyfriend who’s bonkers for her. Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

March 14, 2006

i’ve been reading kate for awhile now, and this makes me smile… a lot. cheers!

March 14, 2006

I love you you mad hairy hippy bastard. Well done. IT’S ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!!!! I shall be putting up my billboard now. Lianne Marie xXx

March 14, 2006

Congratulations! Kate is spectacular and she’s lucky to have found someone like you. Take care of her and of yourself, won’t you?

March 14, 2006

I’m on an adding fit, and you are funny. Being not a toaster with Kate earns you points too. ::add:: ×_×

March 15, 2006

Aww thats so lovely, reading that shows just how much you like her, youre a very lucky guy. 😀 Toodles and Take care ~ abby xox

March 15, 2006

How sickeningly sweet. Good on ya! 😉

March 15, 2006

aw! this is just how i feel about my new guy. Squee, isn’t it wonderfluff?

March 15, 2006

i’m so unbelievably happy for you two!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAY 😀 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

awwww….and I repeat, awwww. Thats great spud, that is just fabulousy great for the two of you. I think its about time the pair of you had some luck in lurrrve. I hope you two have lots of fun, sounds like you already have though 😉 xxx

March 15, 2006

Who is the stranger? I shudder. How I’ve loved this entry. I’ve finally written one for you, too, although it does no justice to any of what I wish I could say. But you know what went on, and that’s what matters. You amaze me. xxx

March 15, 2006

congrats to you and your Kate got you off Gives head,whom i got off Imperfectly Beautiful

Congratulations! 🙂

March 15, 2006

Aww, how cute! Congratulations 🙂

March 15, 2006

P.S. I love that a bunch of my friends have come to visit you here. *Waves* xxx

March 15, 2006

Good luck to you both. Such tales of love give me hope! I imgaine your going to be travlling lots to see each other now!

awww thats so sweet!!!!!!! :O)

March 15, 2006

i wish the absolute best for you my dear…you two sound like a match made in heaven!

March 15, 2006

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I seriously couldn’t be happier for you two, you both have that twisted edge that’ll just make it all be swirly crumpets and flaming magpies. or something. *high-fives* 😀

March 16, 2006

Aww that’s so sweet. Congrats =)

are you wearing green??? HA! *Pinches you anyways* muah ha ha ha Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU xxx xxxx