
Do ignore the title of this entry. Due to the obscure and perverse way my mind works, I wrote it purely out of love for the sound of the word. I’m so hip I could have been put in the queen mother as a replacement. But she is dead as a can of spam. So I can’t. Tsk.

Well, this week has been a non event really, only piqued by the 4 HOUR phone conversation I had with the darling Kate, and the couple of shorter converstions with my dear Lianne. Yes, aren’t I an excitable fellow? (ed. No)

I’m learning to play a new nerd game with my nerdy associaes from the shop. It’s about little pirate ships and killing- well, aren’t I too cool for school (ed. No, you are just too OLD for school. Idiot). This entry is already sputtering and dying (much like my pants….. (eh??)) which is quite disturbing really as I haven’t been at it for long (to be more precise I haven’t been at it for years bu-dum tish. Very Groucho of me…).

On a lighter note one of the children from work told me that his dog was second hand. This tickled my thrusset pouch. Possibly. Oh, and while I was at the Bangor tea rooms yesterday eating a cherry scone and a nice cup of tea (yes… I know I’m twee) two middle aged men came in and started talking about their friend who had bought a yacht. He named it ‘Dangerous Brian’. Oh how a laughed to myself. Sad and English aren’t I???

Well, as Lianne is hasseling me to leave her a note I must depart now- I’ll try and write more soon (famous last words…)


Love Tom (Please…)


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February 19, 2006

*collapses in convulsions of helpless giggles* Tom you are the master of causing ciabatta to be cannoned from my nasal passages. And ciabatta has sharp bits. And my nose is bleeding. I hereby renounce to cease eating whilst chatting to you or I shall soon resemble Daniella Westbrook… Lianne Marie xXx

February 19, 2006

*does first note belly dance* Oh and LEAVE ME A NOTE F*CKER! Lianne Marie xXx

February 19, 2006

“tickled my thrusset pouch” oh lord. you’re a funny fellow, aren’t you! 😀 xxxxxxx

February 19, 2006

HANG ON! I meant “Announce to cease eating.” Not renounce… silly rabbit.

February 19, 2006

lol! unlike leanne, i just covered myself in chips from laughing.

February 19, 2006

oh man, I don’t know if I wanted to know about your thrusset pouch, but I do now. you’re one hilarious weirdo, Tom. hope you’re enjoying your today so far. *peace signs and smiley faces*

February 19, 2006

i think dangerous brian is a marvelous name for a yaght, which i cant spell, so boat will do! 😀 toodles and take care ~ abby xox

February 19, 2006

TOm what the eff is wrong… you have not signed on to msn to talk to me like I asked, then you do not write back to my myspace messages… are you mad or something?

February 19, 2006

i’m naming my first child ‘dangerous brian’. He shall loathe me forever, become violent and thus live up to his name of dangerous brian. it’s the circle of life.

Yeah little Tomster, you have once again forgotten your Chanel girl! Shame on you! battybottoms! xxx