Another Entry (They Happen Sometimes…)

Yes, I am becoming a creature of habit (or hobbit… I’m uncertain as to my genetic makeup) and have finally started to produce entries on an almost regular basis.

I have (again) done very little, as I am an uninteresting little chap, and am busy gearing up to visit the lovely Kate for her birthday of doom. This is proving an interesting challenge what with having no money whatsoever and being forced to live off the charity of others- being a proud and awkward man, this is anathema to me. I have still singualrly failed to regain possession of my lovely cat, and am rapidly assuming that Judith is trying to steal him for her own dark purposes. She is like that- God bless her satanic little socks. I am considering launching a military coup against her, the problem being that if I do so the supplies of wine I recieve will disappear, leaving me a disgustingly sober husk… I can’t be doing with that at my time of life. She has just said he will be coming home tomorrow. I don’t believe her, I’m sure she is eloping with him. Dirty cat-fornicating hussy. In a bag.

 Apart from that I have been doing bugger-all except enjoying the quiet company of my laptop and a toasted crumpet. Sadly not the type of crumpet one requires, but nevertheless, an enjoyable companion. In a warm and buttery way. I have drank copious quantities of tea as well, and as such have re-gained my status as the most English man in Wales. Rule Britannia, Britannia Waives the Rules…

Anyway, I must fly as I am mutating into a bird.

That is however a foul lie.


Love Tom, Lord of the Dance. XxX

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January 21, 2006

NO! Don’t fly away! This is the first time we’ve been online together THIS YEAR. GET BACK ON THE COMPUTER YOU F*CKER! Lianne Marie xXx

January 21, 2006

Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

January 21, 2006

Aaaah, such a teaser… Cannot wait to see you, my dear. I am very sorry for the money situation, though. When I’m rich again, I shall pay you back. You can consider it done. xxx

January 21, 2006

what is a crumpet, anyway? I never did know that. Is it like a biscuit? But your biscuits are what we call cookies, I think……..ARGH. Whatever. Maybe that’s what an english muffin is, which you probably have NO idea what THAT is….I guess it really doesn’t matter. And about the mutating into a bird…make sure you fly South, and not North. It’s bloody buggery bollocky cold here.

January 21, 2006

I love crumpets, but they make me feel ill 🙁 Yay for a tom entry! you’re such a lovely mutated thing

January 21, 2006

ditto to the other half of my brain here, Tom. your writing makes me do that giggle-shake thing, and it’s the only kind of shaking I do thanks to my medications. hope you’re having a fantabulous now over there. *attaches a message to your leg* haha, now you’re one of those pigeons.

January 23, 2006

mmmm crumpet! you must go and par-tay with my katebot in my absinth. oops. i meant absence, obviously!

January 23, 2006

You left me you bitch! You left me with my pubic pate! Lianne Marie xXx>

I love you so much!!! but I have to say I love Edna PrillsMore. xxx

January 23, 2006

Tom!! How I love thee!! I have missed you so much! Guess what chuck I got a new laptop with the brand new version of MSN so we can video chat now!! Will you be online tonight I really need someone to talk to! I should be home soon… I need to stop and get some medicine and then I will be home! Leave me a message and let me know if you will be online love! Linzi <3

January 25, 2006

*:| @ the words “pubic pate”* glad to read an entry of yours, man, you’re oh-so-entertaining. and RYN: yeah, I’m pretty ginormous. it’s my american diet, and all that. hope you’re having a fantabulous today over there in Brittania, Tomothy. *peace signs and smiley faces*

January 25, 2006

Actually I am quite amazed that I am so calm and happy and genuinely don’t care whether we get back together or not. It’s like it never happened… I don’t get it. BUT STOP GRUMBLING I’M FINE! Lianne Marie xXx