Black Death and Other Fun Times

Yes, I have the plague. And not just the normal plague- I’ve got super-hyper-mega plague! And it isn’t man flu. It’s bird flu. Or worse… umm…. badger flu. Yes, it’s Jamaican Badger Flu. I caught it from a Jamican Badger. From Kent.

Well, what to say… I actually had to take a day off work today- most unlike me! I’d just be frowned upon slightly if I gave all the kids a slight case of death. Parents hate having dead children delivered to them… or so I’ve heard… I’ve spent the day wallowing and drinking tea. And eating healing toast and Strepsils. And beans and sausages. And playing Pokemon (see, I am clearly ill!)!

As far as my two darlings Kate and Lianne go, I will be purchasing my rail tickets over the next week and as such will soon be hurtling towards you in a chuff chuff train, eating an over priced sandwich and swearing at the other commuters who all seem to have a living-soup smell!

Anyway, feel ill and a touch grogtastic, so will catch up with y’all soon!

Love ya!

Tom, Lord of Plague and Pox


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January 6, 2006

Skanky! Hope you feel better soon, lover-boy. You make me chortle, even if you are half deceased. xxx

January 6, 2006

silly man, hanging out with badgers. you should know better!

January 6, 2006

blech, sorry you’re sick, man. but at least you haven’t lost your uber-hilarious-ness. hope you feel better soon, and if not, that your demise is heralded as the tragic falling of our fiar Tom. or something. I just ate a bowl of strawberry yogurt with breakfast cereal in it, so my brain is a little intoxicated with the goodness. 😀

January 7, 2006

Oh my poor baby bunny! *snuggles squishily* I’m so sorry you’re poorly. Do you have someone looking after you? Are your fvckwit flatmates being nice? Huurah for train ticket purchasing! Have we got all the times straight? Lianne Marie xXx

January 7, 2006

sorry you have the plague….I’m fighting something off too this week.

Those pesky Jamaican Badgers from Kent! Drink muchos of fluids and plenty of bed rest oh Lordly one!

January 9, 2006

Raaaaaaaaaaar. I am, indeed, a badger from Kent. Lianne Marie xXx

January 11, 2006

awwws feel better soon…

January 11, 2006

Wow, that sounds horrible, hope you get better soon! ;o)

January 13, 2006

Raaaaaaaaaaar. I have PMT. Lianne Marie xXx