Blast From the Past

Blimey Riley on a push bike! One of my oldest old reader types from the days BEFORE I KNEW LIANNE (yes, it is possible…) has just found me! I am so infinitely impressed! For years we used to talk about Button Moon and the like! I’m shocked, in a joyful kind of way!

On another topic, Tom might be applying for a second job (shock horror…)!!! Yes, the draw of capitalism has proven too strong ( and thoroughly absorbant) and has tempted me to get money to buy a house in which I might live. I wish to do this because it would be good- yes it would! The job for which I am applying will be one involving looking after kids with behavioural/pyschological issues that wake in the night and have to have specific intervention plans applied to get them back to bed! Yes, sounds as much fun as being a hedgehog in a condom factory doesn’t it!? No? Well I don’t care as the pay is wonderful- I’m a selfish young whipper snapper, with jolly nice hair, so I can do whatever the hell I like! BOO YAH!

Anyhow, back to molestation (said the vicar to the choir boy, fnar fnar fnar…)! After my night of fighting off illicit mummy-love (see last, unnerving episode- though in that I neglect to mention I was there until 5:30am…) I went back the next day to give her some spare records of mine that she wanted, and to laugh at her. It was supposed to be a quick visit, a glass of chablis (I always take a bottle of wine, just in case the topic comes up) and then hop back out the door to slump on my bed playing Pokemon Gold… tragic I know, but…. I have a level 50 Pupitar….. and a level 81 Dragonite… *kills self* Anyway, back away from the tangent… I ended up being roped into staying for dinner- toad in the hole! Yum… please no comments regarding the mild innuendo of the food name! We finished dinner, put her son Ben to bed (he keeps telling people I’m one of his best friends, bless him!) and proceeded to play stupid boardgames with me until 9:30- very good fun indeed! I spent the evening calling her a "spacker" in a cornish accent, and she spent the evening telling me to shut up, laughing and batting her eyelids…. I’m such a mummy-stud! She has invited me round this weekend to play scrabble (oh, how wild we are…) and I may well turn up just for the craic (again, no innuendos…)! It’s nice to have a decently intelligent person to talk to and play decent games with of an evening!

What else to say… I have no idea whatsoever! As such I will update when I am slightly more inspired! Toodles!



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December 7, 2005

Oh wow, I got a mention!! I am so excited, I cant believe I found you after all this time. I remember our long chats about button moon (I still have the videos you know), and when we used to email each other, and then suddenly you were gone…. ….but now you’re back!! Yay 🙂

awwwwww baby, your so good, getting another job to buy a house, YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT CATCH! I’m sure that a nice, sweet girl will come your way. thanks for loving me ya, you bloody snodlard!!lol

December 7, 2005

A mummy-stud eh? Is this really the same tom I remember?! lol

December 7, 2005

pokemon… you are a dork. i still like ya 🙂

December 7, 2005

hehehehe, I’m not gonna judge you on the Pokemon ’cause any game can be fun if you’re weird enough. and you’re most definitely weird enough. awesomeness about finding this chica again, always nice to regain contact with people who make you smile. hope you’re having a nice night over there, man. *peace signs and smiley faces*

hi, no I don’t have msn, I have roadrunner ? I haven’t figured all of this piddely stuff out yet, but will over the nxt day or two and get back to you. Meanshile, note me. I’m proud of you, ya know? You are doing something for yourself that is a great investment. hooohaaa

December 7, 2005

lol…get in there you board game playing “mummy stud”!!!

December 7, 2005

RYN: hey now, surveys are nothing to be ashamed of, especially when not a whole lot else goes on in a person’s life like mine. I love the peacefulness of it, but it doesn’t make for an overly thought-filled diary, so I need some coaxing with the questions, lol. *holds a mangy badger up in the air* lookit what I caught? 😀

December 7, 2005

pokemon gold is evil. i’m so stuck. evil thing.

December 7, 2005

burning…hanging…*ponders*….methinks you and i are going to be great friends, horse badger!! xx

December 8, 2005

TOAD IN THE HOLE???!!!! TOAD IN THE SODDING HOLE!? You and I talked for an hour last night whist I was imprisoned by the trecherous bus. And you never said Toad in the hole! Hahahahaah! And where are all the penis movies??? PS – Sorry I didnt come online – I just got your message this morning. And I’m off sick. Eeeek! Lianne Marie xXx

And just when I thought I had left my Pokemon leanings safely in the past, then this entry comes and bites me on the hiney! *blushes* I blame my evilEx for getting me into it at the time, suppose I should be grateful it was just Pokemon he introduced me to, not class A drugs! Ah, good old button moon, methinks I need to buy a button moon tshirt off eBay. *scampers off* Toodles! xxx email me we can chat on MSN,