Last Night…

Was…. ummmm…. interesting. That would definitely be the word. Yes it would. I was babysitting you see…

Twas the summer of 1912 (except it was actually last night) and my chauffer came and collected me from outside my humble abode in one of these new-fangled ‘horseless carriages’ to whisk me to my destination. Upon arrival, Ientered the abode to find my young charge a most amicable chap, and to this end I did gift him a Game Boy, of the colour variety, and some power cells with which to facilitate the use of the aforementioned. With the mother of this merry fellow was a plump lady, rapidly devouring the contents of a bottle of cheap chardonnay. She was already rather squiffy.

Anyhow, the mother of the child had designed and created a most exotic dish of a spiced variety. (I believe it is known as a Ku Ree) and left me awonderful selection of the finest stout in the refridgerator. Upon bidding her adieu, the young fellow and I observed the movements of a young, rather unfortunate, chap called Harold Potter on the telly box, before watching a delightful documentary about a young fellow named Charles who pays a visit to a confectionary works (I have to say, however, that much of the machinery used in this establishment seemes highly dubious. I am sure health and safety will have something to say on this.).

The child eventually removed to his crib. At this point I read a most charming book upon the subject of neuropsychology- aphasia is such a charming subject. Well, the time came to that point in the early morn when two bells may be heard calling from our delightful cathedral, and indeed, the mother came, rather unsteadily, through the door way. I must say she was a touch inebriated, and to this end did repeat herself most regularly, staggering and slurring as she did so- a most disgraceful, if shamefully amusing, figure she looked indeed.

She eventually found a suitable seating position, and did force me, not entirely unwillingly, to collect for myself a bottle of ale (this happened repeatedly throughout the night) and she attempted to construct some form of coherent conversation- at this she was only partially successful. Well, it came to pass that the two of us were sat talking upon the hearth rug, when the lady in question did repeatedly make comment toward how ‘luvly’ I was. I took this to be the harmless banter of the alcohol imbibed mind, but morewas to come. She did keep hugging me and did, with malice of forethought, purposefully hold my hand on more than one occasion. Indeed, she kept pulling herself to me and making lacivious looks and comments. It must indeed be said that, much to my amusement she:


The End

Love Tom




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December 4, 2005

*roars with laughter* No wonder you wanted me online to share this news! My poor baby are you disturbed? Is it agony sweetheart? I shall chat to thee about 7ish when I have returnedeth from le cinema. Oh… and… I PUT UP MY CHRISTMAS TREE! AWOoOHOoOOo! Hahahaha! Lianne Marie xXx

lol I love your writing, you are the funniest, wittiest chap around!!! Too bad you don’t love me anymore…I guess you got bored…I shouldve known. But I love you madly…still. xoxo

December 4, 2005

that’s fantastic! that’s one of the best stories i’ve heard.

December 4, 2005

BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! you got hit on by a drunken momma!!! classic, yet so traumatizing, it must have been. you poor soul. hope you’re surviving, man.

December 4, 2005

Darling, I have pissed myself. What a glorious way to start my Sunday evening. Here’s hoping you’re not suffering too much from post traumatic stress. xxx

December 4, 2005

*bounces* HOOORAYYYYY! Tomety that is excellent!!! I’m so proud of you. Your own house! Wow that’s going to be wonderful! No more stinking housemates! & re: second place… you are always first in my eyes… TAKE YOUR BLOODY FINGERS OUT OF THEM I CANT SEE!!!!!! Lianne Marie xXx

December 4, 2005

LOOLLLL you truly are one funny dude!! i found you from your amazing story about lianne!!! *adds you to faves* hehe! PS: the word is lascivious!!! xx

December 7, 2005

I had no idea you were back until I saw a note from you on someones diary today!! (me changing my diary name probably didnt help you in tracking me down, lol). Unfortunately seems like all my old faves have left over the years, ’tis very sad 🙁 Anyway, good to see you back here!! I am good, lots has changed, but then it would in god knows how many years wouldnt it? How are you? xx