Blame Figure: Chanel Girl

She asked me for my life story in 400 words. She is mad! Why would anybody want to hear about my tedious up bringing? (Read "up-dragging…")… Oh well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

I was born in Leicester at a very young age, which is the best place to start really. Mum was a banker and my father a print estimator- glamorous stuff, I’m sure you’ll agree. I was brought up in an average way, got bullied at school for playing on my own, and had my toy pteradactyl taken by bullies. I once got shouted at for using school balloons. I was a nerd. Upon reachng secondary school I was bored of learning. I was good runner. I swam for my county. I fell over a lot during my growth spurts. I developed the nickname "Bambi" for my long legged gawkyness. I left there and went to Grammar school which I hated, and was hated by it in return. Fell deeply in lust with a popular girl called Amy Burke who had no idea.

I moved to Essex.

I met some new and unsual people and became a touch extravert. I blieve I fell in love for the first time with a girl called Holly Colclough, she turned me down. Swanned through my GCSE’s without revising. I was bright and popular. Went to sixth form, met Ali. Romeo and Juliet. But Juliet was a lying whore. Became depressed. Took to too much drink, suicide attempts. came to university and despised it in all it’s falsified glory- a "learning" institute where the bottle was God. Fell in love with Rita Doolan. Was rejected again. My best friend left. Dad had a heart attack. I left uni, left my dead end job and found my current one.

My life returned, slowly, steadily. I refound my love of fun, I’m happy in my job, I have new friends. I miss my beautiful home, but I love my new one with equal zeal. I’m a little bit stuck money wise, bored of my housing but I survive.

I think I just need a love again.

So my life story so far is basically a three chapter one: Chapter one: Aimlessness, Chapter two: Rise and fall and Chapter three: Return to grace. The current chapter is still being written, and is thus far driven by desire and want.But at leats it is one of recovery.


368 words. That’ll do.



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November 20, 2005

Stop calling her Ali. She is a jezabel-whore-b*tch-slag-tart-trollop-piss-bollocks-arsebandid-cowbag-tumor upon humanity. And I still think I could take her. Bring it on b*tch *Gasps for breath* Lianne Marie xXx

November 20, 2005

quite an interesting life so far lol =)

November 20, 2005

excellent. now i don’t have to go back and read all your entries.

November 20, 2005

oooooooooo, you must be out of breath after this outpouring! nicely done. very informative. hope you’re having a nice tonight over there, man. *peace signs and smiley faces*

November 20, 2005

That was impressive. ::Laughs:: “Up-Dragging” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

November 20, 2005

That is quite amazing.. I think I might try to write my life in 400 words even though no one asked me like you! I guess I am just not cool enough!! Anyway sweetie you are an amazing person trust me I wouldnt have spent long hours trying to get a cheap version of MSN just to talk to you if I did not think you were something special. You brighten my days and I am so glad I stumbled across your od

November 20, 2005

this is a good idea. seems like a challenge. i like challenges. *peace signs and smiley fishes* you know, the entire month i was there, i bugged jake to note someone JUST ONCE and say fishes instead of faces. but no. he wouldnt even do it in a note to me! shocking i tells ya. *goes to tell the squid that you are very very english…*

WELL HELL YES, I can be CRAZY sometimes…lol Thank you, I think that its good to know your faves better… What do you want from me, since now…I owe you one… ♥

November 21, 2005

That looked like a difficult assignment.

November 21, 2005

Oooh, I read this last night after getting off the phone, but was far too drunk to note. I probably still am, but never mind. You’ve been a busy boy, haven’t you? Now all you need is a caravan in the Gower, and you’ll have experienced everything. xxx

I rather love that. -Carolyn