Ribbon Candy and Moon Pie

The title has nowt to do with the entry content but may well be a metaphor for third world suffering. Or it may not, I’m not very good at making decisions. Or am I?

Well, we had a health and safety inspection on Friday and I was in charge and panicky. Not that anything was particularly bad, I just didn’t know what I was meant to be doing. To this end I stayed at work until 21:50, and considering I stopped getting paid at 18:00 I’d consider myself quite commited indeed! Or I’m considering getting commited… I forget…

Well anyway, that is over at least and I am once more back to my usual habits of moping through the days with little real purpose, as befits my bleary haired, long eyed (eh?) Jesus-like visage. I might try the miracle of turning wine into no wine later- I’m quite good at that one! And while we are on the subject of old Mr Crucified and his fun with wine, he was clearly an alcoholic- turning water into wine just for the sakes of it? I think AA meetings would have done him more good than the being-stapled-to-a-tree malarcky! Bless their barbaric little hearts!!!

I’ve done a load of work at ACME today, so I’m in the good books! That’s why I’m allowing myself this little breather before I go and bugger off back home for tea and stuff! I like having stuff with my tea!

Well, that is all I’m going to write for now, but if all goes to plan I’ll type another upsurge of shite later! Over and out!




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November 20, 2005


November 20, 2005

Why would he need the AA? They didn’t have cars in those days did they? Hmmmm that’s a thinker. I call upon the Squarrot and Pirrels toanswer my cosmic question. What did Jesus drive? If it broke down it must have been a mini! Lianne Marie xXx

November 20, 2005

hehehehehehehe, your entreis always make me giggle, man. and this is the second theory I’ve heard of Jesus’ (alleged) substance abuse. my first roommate when I was going to college maintained that he “was the biggest stoner ever, man, I mean he heard God, man.” that kid was the best first roommate ever, too. *peace signs and smiley faces*

November 20, 2005

are you wearing sandals? thats how you tell if someone is pretending to be jesus on tv, they have long hair and sandals.

November 21, 2005

Jesus: Friend, Brother, Dealer. Oh yes. xxx