Lady of the Night… I mean man! Gnerk…

Yes, it is 00:37 and I’m typing an entry- that’s the rock and roll life I lead kids!

Anyhoo… We lost the pub quiz tonight for the first time in ages so I’m angry in a not-particularly-peeved-and-just-fancy a-lie-down kind of way! Yes, I am a raging beast indeed… Or something…

Ummm… Not really got that much to type so I don’t know why I’m here! We are having an inspection at work at the end of this week so I have to either a) make sure everything is ship shape and charming and the kids can’t kill themselves or b)set booby traps and slaughter the inspectors where they stand. Or maybe both… I like to slaughter tidily- it makes me feel like a big brute man… yesssssss…

What else to say… ummmm… Nope haven’t got a clue, I’m boring me!





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November 15, 2005

ryn: Thanks darling.. you can make my day and make me smile. While reading your note I laughed for the first time in a couple days! I do appreciate all that you do for me.. would love ya more if you would email me back *Nudge* However I will deal with that! Just think if you lived here I would have no one to hurt me and I could fawn over your sexiness!! 🙂 Love you my English Fox!

November 15, 2005

godspied with the inspection, oh weird one who is Tom. I’m saying “godspied” in a lot of my notes tonight. *is weird*

November 15, 2005

RYN: You are very sexy!!! I am not insane!! You are very good looking sir! This is true! However meh I have no opinion who am I to say look at me not the cutest custard at the bakery

November 15, 2005

yeah sweetheart i wish it was that easy! Trust me! I could probably talk to you for hours! However I still can not find it

November 15, 2005

Ask your friend if any of them have Mac os 9 what version of messanger they use

November 15, 2005

Ok so guess what darling.. i think I have found something that will work to install MSN.. if not I will try and try until I find one because I would love to talk to you.

November 15, 2005

Ok darling I am leaving work now stopping to grab some quick dinner than I will get online and if I get it to work I will see you on there! if not i will let you know

November 15, 2005

ooh, tidy slaughtering, you’re my kind of man. Can’t be making a mess with the killing!

So sorry about your bad luck laddie! Maybe you’ll win next time. So tell me your life story in 400 words… xoxoxo

November 15, 2005

And now we’re onto tennis… OOOMPH! BAAAAARGH! PHWAAA! SCHTUMPH! Wheeeeeeee… GAAAHPH! PRAAAAH… and now I’ve run out of sound-effects. Darling, you just do it for me. Nighty night. xxx

November 15, 2005

I didn’t invite you to my hypothetical girlie night because all of my favourites are in love with you and it would take the attention away from ME ME ME. (See – Narcissisticus!) Heh heh heh. Just kidding sweeting. Knowing you to be the prime testosterone fuelled specimin of manhood that you are… I thought a GIRLS night would be beyond your capabilities!!!! Lianne Marie xXx

November 16, 2005

Still didnt get MSN but I feel I am very close to finding it.. just give me time and I promise i will not give up until I find it! i am sorry if you waited for me last night! 🙁 Later my sexy *girlie giggle* English hunk!

November 16, 2005

YEAH GUESS WHAT……… are you sitting down??? I finally got MSN!!!! Hell yeah!! I am going to add you right now!!

November 19, 2005

Ok so here is the deal.. wannna kno what sucks more than a vaccum.. well I am going to tell you! The fact that I spent 4 count them 4 hours updating my computer software to be able to download MSN so i can talk to you and then you are doing your disappearing act again.. I miss you and want to talk to you on MSN so sign on for me damn it!! Love ya Lindz