
It is the night following the birthday celebrations and I am still alive (SHOCK HORROR!!!)!

God struth I had far to much to drink- started the day with half a bottle of brandy with coffee for breakfast, then a bottle of champagne, a bottle of wine, a trip down the pub and a further bottle with dinner- I was a little bit on the tipsy side…

Still, twas a jolly fun day and I’m sure that the memories would have lasteed a lifetime if I hadn’t been to drunk to take them in!

That is all the update you are going to get for one day so I will write again soon!


Tom, Lord of the Dance!


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October 17, 2005

Wow I thought you were going to stay away from partying on the b-day??? Sounds like you had tons of fun! My internet is now working at my apartment so I will write back to the email tonight. Have a great day and get some rest to sleep off that hangover Love always, ~Lindz

October 17, 2005

RYN: Are you still online?!?!?? I do not get home for another 40 minutes… think you will still be online??? You better be!

October 17, 2005

2 am?!?!?!?!?!?!!! Bloody Christ!! Dont worry about it! I am trying to find a version of MAC OS 9 right now but if I couldnt find one and you stayed that late I will feel horrible! XoX Lindz

Thanks for your feedback, I need it right now. Your so very sweet. I hope that you can cheer our little Lianne up a bit. I wish I could help her not feel so lonely. Thanks for helping with me, I need all the great advice I can get! xoxxoxo

October 17, 2005

You know you wouldnt have to take the chance if you would just quit being stuborn and download something I already have like oh I dont know… Yahoo???

October 17, 2005

Well what about MSN.. isnt that chat.. I know AIM isnt 😉

October 17, 2005

You know its kind of like we are iming now! People are probably like give it a rest and talk on MSN. I really hope I can get it. You know you can get a thing that is not “downloading” it. It is called Aim Express and it is just a pop up where you can use AIM

October 17, 2005

OK Hottie I am leaving work now.. give me 20 minutes to get home and get the dsl up and working. Have to pop off to McD’s to get some dinner. Be home soon! If you cant last I can understand Bye bye P.S. you are not old! You are a year younger than me! 😛

October 17, 2005

ryn: it’s mariujana (sp?)…..he says he smokes it once in a while, but I think he does it every day….which makes him a pothead, which I don’t approve of. And he swears up and down he doesn’t do it every day. *sigh*

ohhhhhhh, I love being called that! Thanks, you are sweet and right…however, I can’t go that deep with my friends, thats one of my issues, I simply feel that I don’t want to burdon them, thats why the shrinky dink will have to be my current muse. You guys can know everything, you won’t be biased about it like my friends might. I appreciate everything you say luvy dove! xoxo

October 17, 2005

If I thought like you then I would REFUSE to leave a note! But luckily for you I don’t… DRUNKEN BUM! HA! & Thank you for leaving me a note under everyone elses. I was chuffed to bits when I looked for it & it was there! Lianne Marie xXx

October 18, 2005

Duuuude, did you get a cake? It’s fabulous that you’re still alive after your birthday celebrations, and it’s also fabulous to hear that you like Black Books as much as I do. The wine lolly. Need I say more? xxx

October 18, 2005

Oh, and I owe you a marriage proposal, by the way. xxx

October 18, 2005

Yay for drinking. There is nothing better than being drunk and stupid with friends. And you’re now my favorite person ever on OD because you’re british. I am a bit obsessed with all things british – harry potter, accents, hugh grant, colin firth, Beckham….

October 20, 2005

OMG Hi! I seriously thought you were upset about that! I am so sorry! The good news is this morning I was woken up by the SBC guy calling to fix the DSl and it works great! My internet is up and running I surfed the net for a little bit before hoping in the shower for work. If you are still in the office after work I will get MSN (Hopefully) and we can talk! ~Lindz