Shock Horror!!!

Yes, I know what you’re thinking- two entries in two days? I must have gone mad! Well, I did go mad but that was years ago! Instead I’m typing an entry so Lianne has less opportunity to nag me into a coma!

Well, last night we got up to very little on the grounds that Lianne claimed to be very tired, but I’m going to assume that my aura of greatness shocked her into a decrepit state in which she needed to hibernate to regain energy for the next day… though I’m probably wrong- I usually am!

So far this morning I have drank tea and had my hair smoothed, so I’m now full of body and shine (supposedly…)! Heh, I’ living the life, no?

We are off to York very soon and so I shall visit a lovely castle and the Jorvik Centre. This should prove interesting… I wonder if Lianne can keep up with my tedious mediaeval obsessions… I’ve decided to live life on the edge and not have a shave today so I will fit in with the viking types up there- I’m so cunning even foxes are in awe of me. Except they aren’t. They are too busy eating fluffy woodland creatures. Bastards.

If I have the energy and the inclination this evening I’ll write the next Horse Badger installment… if I’m too tired though it may have to turn into a trilogy! See, the element of surprise once more returns to my diary! I am likened unto a goblin that, upon you returning home, leaps down your drive, skewers your cat and bites you on the shin before starting a nuclear war with China- you must admit, THAT would be ultimately surprising (especially for me- I don’t even HAVE a driveway!)!

What else to say? Ummm… Can’t think of anything now! I may have to leave you all to your own devices, which should give you the chance to recover from the tedium of this entry ready for the next one, which will hopefully be added this evening. If you are thoroughly unlucky…

Anyway, love and asparagus tips in a raspberry jus!

Tom, Because I’m Worth It.

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September 24, 2005

To Tom. Who is sat next to me snickering and tossing his shiny hair! You are a geek. Lianne Marie xXx

September 24, 2005

*happily shocked applause* see, you write such entertaining entries that you should do it MORE OFTEN. enjoy your Saturday evening over there, Tom.

September 24, 2005

What Jake said. Write more often when you go home, coz your words are entertainment for the whole… box of chickens.

September 24, 2005

Feel free to skewer my cat and guffaw while you do so – he puked on the windowsil this morning. Your hair is pretty, dear. xxx

September 24, 2005

Dearest Tom, you sound so much like yourself it’s amazing 😀 I really hope you have an amazing day and just know that this entry was anything but dull…you had me laughing coffee out my nostrils 😀 Dont worry, I didnt get any on the keyboard. Ta Sweetie Dahling!!!