Dazed, Beautiful and Bruised…

I’m tired and battered but cheerful and exhilerated…

I got my promotion today, and at the same time was complimented by the parents of the kids for which I care. Apparently I’m perfect with their kids, which really means a lot to me!

I’ve also met an angel but that must wait!

I’ve been asked to be a stand in quiz master at my local pub as well, because I’m aparently trustworthy and reasonably well spoken and argumentative, so that is also a pleasant thing!

AND me and my new internet buddy and Chammy are getting on really well and organised to do loads of stuff together and be stoopid… New friends are ace, especially when they are as ludicrously good as these two!


AND….. IT’S PAY DAY!!!!!!!!! Lovely money should be gushing into my account as I speak!!! Oh fine wine, how I’ve missed you!!! heh!

Anyway, as I’m a touch tipsy I’d best go! Byeeeeeeeee!



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August 30, 2005

congrats on the promotion, and mmm…lovely money. hope you’re having a good time!

August 30, 2005

yay for money! …..i have a cat eating my toe, weird.

August 30, 2005

Babes!!! Who is this angel??? you teasingly mentioned meeting someone in the e-mail you sent me & have as of yet given me NO more details! Meanie! MSN will not be fixed! 🙁 You might have to help me when you visit! E-mail me at my yahoo address & fill me in cariad. xXx Lianne Marie xXx PS – You are coming down here! (Well up actually!!!) Meh!

I am tipsy too, trying to make sure my roommate doesn’t fall off her bed! Gah uni is hard work, I work tomorrow morning at 9! GRR!!! I miss ya. -Carolyn