If you want a debate read the end of my entry!

I have returned, so I should be able to keep up coherent entries again! Note the should…

Anyhoo, have had to dive straight back into work as I’m skint already! Oh well- I have made a good buy with some comics! I bought 10 for £15, and have already sold three of them, making me £35! Hooray for investment!

I also have a job interview tomorrow which should be… erm… fun? Well, if I get more money then it is all good! that way I can… erm… be richer! Hooray!

Ihad a great few days back at home, anyway! Will have to do it again soon- too much fun is good for me… maybe! I had barbeques, bonfires and I even went to a rave… I slept on the beach, got drunk, and rode a huge dragon called F’tang all the way to Sodom and Gommorra. That is a lie. I only rode him to Sheffield. It was rubbish.

On a side note, London got bombed AGAIN!!! Bloody terrorists! If you need to blow things up, do it to yourselves in the countryside where no-one lives. Then we can point and laugh.

Stupid religious fundamentalism.

A phrase I have used a lot lately: The world no longer has a place for religion. Faith, yes… Religion, no.

Discuss this freely on my note bit- I always enjoy a good debate!



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July 21, 2005

Just randomly surfing wanted to say Hello! Lindz

July 21, 2005

RYN: God love laziness… even though its the devils idle hands 🙂 Anyway thanks for the note and hey whenever you get around to reading it then you might enjoy. I however did read yours 😉 Bye bye Lindz

Good luck in your interview. Yeah I have got a bit carried awau with entries lately! Hmm I see nobody has wanted to join in your deabte so far :o(

And now I leave a note to concur with the person above me who says that no one seems to have joined the debate so far. Too much thinking this late at night. Derrherrr… -Carolyn

July 22, 2005

RYN. thankfully nothing really exploded… I thank what ever powers that are out there that stopped those 4 bombs from going off. Though it does make you wonder what it was all about – copycat, sick joke?

August 8, 2005

*Peeps up from under her eyelashes* I don’t like the bombing. I work in between the police station and the fire station in Beeston. It’s just sirens, sirens, sirens. Plus there was this false alarm in Leeds bus station the other day. This freak in the National Express queue for London dropped a rucksack and ran off. It scared me. Lianne xXx

August 28, 2005

yeah, I agree. religion is what happens when humans with brains that are too big for their ability to make tools and things try to “understand” the univers by saying things should be a certain way else you go to a really bad place where you get poked with things or bitten on a regular basis. FAITH is much deeper and malleable to each individual.