The Time to Act is Now!!!!

Yes, my day has been so rubbish I have made a plan.

I’m going to ditch my mindless, repetetive dead end job at Iceland (failing supermarket) and find a new job! I am going to the job centre to see what I can find! I want at least a tiny bit of job pride and satisfaction! I’m sick of poxy, unimportant people pushing me around, even though I’m infinitley brighter than them and don’t wish to spend my life as a ‘Stock Supervisor’ in Iceland.

Has anybody noticed that as soon as anyone becomes a titled rank in a shop, they seem to get a Hitler complex? That feeling of infinite power that means you can rearrange the frozen peas WITHOUT ASKING!!!!! Wow… I’m desperate to do that job… no really…

So, I’m going to hunt down a pleasant, reasonably paid part-time job that will fit in nicely with the job I do here- not much to ask really!!! Then I can rent my own flat and move away from irritating people! Hurrah!

P.S. For those of you that celebrated the American Civil War Independence Day yesterday… umm…. actually, I have no real message as I’m largely indifferent…

G’bye now!


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Lol. Goodness, you weren’t online very long today! *saddened by this aberrant turn of events* At any rate, I wish you only good luck in your quest, because I have been looking for a decent part time job but no one wants me because I will be leaving for college. This makes my ego cry. I am so unloved… But not by Tom, cause he’s amazing!

Oh yeah, I forgot to sign the last one. HEY! You changed your PICture! AMAZING! I like it, quite! I wish I was english, so you will have to give me more lessons via the internet! And then I will be a very strange Hondur-English hybrid, and people will LOVE me! -Care-o-lynn

July 5, 2005

ryn: thanks for the suggestion. they are actually the second band i downloaded. got the who album. yay! good luck finding a new job.

July 5, 2005

Oooh good luck with new jobness. I need a job. Job would be nice. Mmm money. Tastes like penguins. Or not.

August 8, 2005

Honey, I’ve never worked in a supermarket. Should I have? Is it, like a rite of passage one must go through? And more importantly, would I get a discount from Sainsburys if I became one of those darling little shelf stackets that smell of sweat, cigarettes and desperation? Lee xXx