Obscure survey (of doom… maybe…)

A survey… surprising, eh!?

If you were granted all the powers of God, what one act/miracle would you create? I’d grant myself and people I thought deserved the power to wield magic- how nifty would that be!!!!?

 Which would you rather know: when you were going to die, how, or where? Neither- how morbid! 

  If you could have a super power which one would you want? Mind control *Give me your money*

 If you could change into any famous or infamous person whom would you change into? Fëanor (might, mighty elf from the Silmarillion! Eat elf power evil types, muh hahaha!!!! 

 If smoking didn’t cause any illness or death, would you quit/start? Waste of time- I’d eat them for some attention!

If you could go into the past what would you do there? Convince people that I was Godly by taking back nifty gadgets and organise the world to my own designs- hey, you gotta think big!!!

 If you could go into the future what would you do there? Check out stock market records so that I could get rich to help out my family and friends and leave the world far behind! Any questions?

 Which would you prefer: enlightenment, eternal salvation, or ecstasy? Enlightenment- salvation is over rated!

 What would you like to have on your tombstone (headstone in a cemetery)? Either: HERE LIES TOM KILBY, AND HE’S BLOODY ANNOYED, or BUGGER!

 What would be your weapon of choice in a battle to the death? A lovely, lovely bastard-grip sword, 3 ft blade in high grade toledo steel and a rounded pommel, with a cross hilt guard and gold inscription on the lower blade. I’d also specify that the tang be at least 3/4 of the length of the grip!. Possibly called Collin. I know an awful lot about swords…

  Which animal would you rather be bitten by: spider, cat, or mosquito? A cat- I could then eat the other two and rule undivided!!!! Mu hahaha… then probably get fleas and cough up a hairball… I haven’t really thought this through…

Is it easier to hurt yourself or someone else? Myself, I’m an expert clumsy fool! 

Who would you rather have a conversation with Jesus Christ or Satan? Satan, thats where the powers at!

And they all lived happily ever after…

Log in to write a note

if i ever see that stupid pig again, i will eat your dad’s kneecaps. and it will be painful!!!! you fiend! ugh! pig = dead!!! for life!

Sorry for the lack of notes I have been very busy! Sorry to hear about your comp not good at all! Anyway I will leave another note when I have written my entry

July 4, 2005

Lmao! Yeah damn right the americans are taking over here it’s not good!

August 8, 2005

Um, Present Progressive… How rude! Lianne xXx

September 12, 2005

can’t we all just get along? lol *keeps going stalkerish through the diary of Tom ’cause of extreme boredom*