back in my routine

 Well, I guess I’m fully back into my routine. I’ve been back for almost 2 weeks now and I’m teaching my regular yoga schedule again and have gone back to Sephora also. I love my jobs, but I find myself missing Europe and all the time off we had there. I liked just walking around and being free to wander without any worries about getting home in time to get to sleep… staying up late with Rich and having a drink in a little cafe, or eating french fries for breakfast (which I didn’t actually do, but I knew that I could!). Oh well… I will definitely not wait that long to go on vacation again.

I really do miss Magnum ice cream though, most especially the Turkish favorite- Pistachio Dark Chocolate Magnum. Mmmmm. Basically it was a pistachio ice cream bar with a coat of milk chocolate, a coat of dark chocolate on top and then rolled in crushed pistachios. Dang it was awesome… the ice cream has a protein in it that inhibits the growth of ice crystals so that it’s always uniformly smooth and creamy. So effin’ good!

I also miss the mineral spring-fed baths we went to in Budapest, they were probably the best part of that little portion of the trip. Well, the baths and the awesome American girls we met and hung out with. If anyone of you wants to make a lot of money, go to Budapest and open a Tex Mex or Mexican restaurant, they’re dying for it out there and the one place we went to was not good. The food was so pale that I told my friends that it looked like Mexican food that lives at the bottom of the sea.

I talked to my yoga boss the other day. They’re offering me a teacher training track to lead- on my own. No co-leading with anyone who will try to belittle me (that  happened with the track I co lead my first time around. He didn’t think that an Ashtangi could actually know anything about alignment or therapeutics). I’ve said yes to it, of course, because this is where I want to end up. They’re offering it to me because the two ladies who normally lead the tracks (both of whom are great friends of mine; we all did our very first teacher trainings together) have just had children. One is almost a year old and his mom is preggers again, and the other is just about 3 or 4 months old… so it’s good I’ve been getting prepared for this for the past almost 2 years! I think I’m ready. I hope I’m ready!

Sephora is sending me to Houston for a week of training in about two weeks, so that will be fun. I can’t wait actually, I’ve been on them for a few months to get me there… they’ve also said that they want me to go to another training in San Francisco in July for ten days. I hope I can get that to happen, it will be hard to swing that in the fall when I’ve started teaching teacher training… 

Okay, I’ve got to get into the kitchen… Rich started some navy bean soup this morning and I’m making some rice to go along with it (I like rice in my navy beans!). That’s for dinner, and we get home late so I wanted it all to be ready… and he’s coming home for a late lunch soon, and I’ve got some potatoes baking now for that… I should probably get the fixins all ready for that too…. 


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June 8, 2010

congrats on the teacher training track, that sounds like a great opportunity, i’m sure you’ll kick butt at it. i love hearing about your trip to Europe. I have been wanting to visit europe forever but it just seems so overwhelming to plan a trip like that. Did you use a travel agent or get any help to plan yours? @};—————— @};————–<br>

Awesome update 🙂

June 8, 2010

Oh no! I LOVE LOVE LOVE pistachio, but WHY WHY WHY ruin it with CHOCOLATE?! Your entry is like yoga and food. I love it.

June 8, 2010

Sounds like a wonderful trip, Glad you guys had a good time 🙂

June 18, 2010

ryn: i appreciate your note, it is definitely giving me pause…making me think things over in a different light. looking back, i’ve found that i use my diary as a therapist, to purge negative thoughts, and i know that it’s so one-sided, which certainly affects how people on the outside see things. i guess i just have to take a deeper look and decide if i’m doing this because it feels right in my soul and is truly the right choice or if i’m doing it because its easier than walking away. @};—————–