to show you mean business

today while teaching in our teacher training program we were discussing various ways that a teacher can hold their space or maintain control over a room. Someone said that they liked the way I began my classes. I walk in and have a seat on the little raised platform at the head of the room and close my eyes. I wait until the room is silent and then we begin. When I asked why people thought I did that I got a lot of responses…. "to center yourself"… "to send out a calming vibe"… both of them right, but then I heard the one that was closest to what I really mean… "to show that you mean business".

Yes, I mean business. My business is yoga, and I mean it. Let’s get to business.

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That is awesome.

February 20, 2010

This entry is an awesome follow up to your note to me. I remember in a political science class in college, right after 9/11, the professor said, “We’re now going to observe a moment of silence for those who died. Anyone who does not want to is free to leave.” He kept the silence for a couple of minutes and then when he broke it, he said, “That was meant to show you how political power works. I said you were all free to leave, but none of you actually were, were you?”

February 25, 2010

I want to do yoga with you. I did it for the first time in Jamaica (okay, I’ve tried before but always felt dumb… Jamaica was the first time I “got it”)