notes I can’t leave

these are notes that I can’t leave. Don’t get offended if you think you’re in here.

Hi. You’re projecting your neuroses on your kids. Fortunately, your husband seems to keep that in check. About that…  you keep calling him your handsome husband and well, he’s definitely your husband and definitely not handsome. Trust me, I’m an authority on that.

you’re super awesome. I love how resilient you are and I hope that I can be as strong as you.

You’re funny, but quit forcing it. Your writing is just too complex, and that kinda kills the inherent funny. Relax, quit being a perfectionist and just let it happen.

While I do admire you and your achievements, I’m put off by your sense of entitlement.

you remind me a lot of myself, mainly because we have a bunch of the same hobbies and activities. needless to say, I think you’re awesome.

why do you have to do that? I get that you have strong beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that you get to ‘explain atheism’ in a way that makes every other belief system in the world look stupid. (this is tricky, because it could actually be three different people on my faves, but it’s really just one)

Yikes. just… yikes. you are a train wreck kept in check by your ocd tendencies.

you have made lemons into a fabulous lemon pastry. If we met, we would totally hang out.


Okay, i’m totally negative…. it’s totally obvious. sigh, just had to get that out.


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Hey, it’s a diary. Purging is good.

November 1, 2009

Write what you want, **** the world 🙂 *Hugs*

November 1, 2009

i agree with the other noters, freedom of speech and all, lol. its your diary and you can purge as needed. hope you had a great halloween. 🙂 @};—————

November 1, 2009

If one of those notes were for me, I’d SINCERELY hope you’d leave it. I’d rather people tell me they think that than just keep it inside — because, after all, there’s nothing like a good mirror in front of one’s face.

Um…. I’m gonna take all the good notes as notes to ME!!! LOL 🙂

November 2, 2009

These are great. I’m with legally gay – I’d hope you’d feel like you could leave me a note and tell me exactly how you felt.

November 7, 2009

I don’t really get a negative vibe from this so much… mostly it sounds like you’re being honest. Nothing wrong with that… we could all use a bit more honesty in our lives.

January 19, 2010

Ahh dang, I’m a train wreck?! RYN: Ewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!