oh man…

why, oh why, did my ac decided to die? it’s so dang hot up in here… I live in Texas, and right now, at almost 9pm at night, it’s 87 degrees inside my house, with all the windows down and the ceiling fans goin’ crazy. Dang.

I’ve been obsessive about going to gym for the past few weeks, and it’s starting to show (at least in my head).My tattoo artist noticed when she came in for a class, and considering how much time she’s spent holding and looking and painting my arm this past year, she should know, right? Speaking of which, I finally found the flower to fill in the blank spot on my right forearm- a purple/blue peony. My artist is excited about it… after we’re done with that, we just need to figure out what we’re doing with the interstitial spaces. I want to do blue and green clouds, but she wants to do ferns and leaves… i’m not sure exactly what i’m going to do. i think the leaves sound great, but i also have a lot of green on my arm. We’ll see.. I won’t do that part until the new year, because we’re going to do it as an exhibit at the Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival. Woot!

A friend of mine gave me a bottle of Gucci por Homme II. it’s nice. And another friend of mine just became the manager of the Chanel day spa in Houston… omg, awesome! I can’t wait until it opens and I can visit and act like a bigshot! But dang, I’m gonna miss her… I’ve worked with her for the past year and a half, and we’re really close work buddies.Well, we’re buddies outside of work too.

This weekend is the gong workshop, jeez, i can’t wait!


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August 21, 2008

That really sucks!


August 22, 2008

I would die if I didn’t have any AC. I would just wilt.

August 22, 2008

darn the a/c, hope it gets up and running again soon…..looks like you might be excited for fall’s cooler weather to show up. @};———

August 22, 2008

Greg (my husband) has been struggling with the same question — to how to turn his individual tattoos into a composition and fill in the blank spaces. He hasn’t yet found the right design, but I think he wants to link the celtic cross and knots together with a variety of blooming vines, like roses. Good luck finding the right combination. Cheers!

RYN: yeah, i know… I’m intimidated by you too! LOL 😛

August 31, 2008

“gong workshop” sounds almost as dirty as “vag-itarius”!

Hey… just checking in to say hi and see how ur doing… BTW, I was totally joking about my note that you were intimidating. 🙂

RYN: Oh my gosh!!! So sorry to hear that you were in an accident! I hope you and whoever else may have been involved (ur honey??) are all ok! Take care of yourself! I’ll send some healing energy ur way! 🙂