
I’ve been really busy lately, and not really able to remember all of the things that I should mention, so i’ll just mention a few things briefly.

My teacher training group raised enough money to offer two 1 thousand dollar scholarships to students in need for the upcoming kundalini yoga teacher training. Sweet!

I had my training for Fresh and I love our fall line. The Fig Apricot shower gel is a dream! After the training, we went down to the sales floor of Nieman Marcus Northpark. The directive was to show off our knowledge of the new products while doing a makeover. The Area sales and education execs would determine a winner based on the outcome of the makeover and whatever interactions they observe. I totally won… about 300 bucks worth of product, and a giftcard that i used to buy to some Dolce and Gabbana shades. Fancy!

okay, I tend to lose sunglasses… or at least I thought so, until I realized that I had 7 pairs. I keep buying them because I keep thinking I lose them. As it turns out, I just get bored with them and put them in the armoire in the guest room! So, I felt justified in using a prize to get something extravagant. Now I’m glad I didn’t buy sunglasses last month, I was looking at Prada and Gucci, and that is some crazy expensive shiz!

I’m going through a gong training at the end of the month… yay!

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August 7, 2008

Its 2am and I should be in be…the proof of that is that I thought that last line said you had “bong training”…lol I was like whoaaaa!

Yea! Congrats on winning and fabu shades! Pic??

*laughing about the sunglasses*

A gong training?