light a fire for me

or under me, or something… I’m lacking motivation lately, in regards to my part time job (professional homosexicle/makeup artist/rich lady ego stroker) and it’s starting to show up. I feel bad, because I know that I’m capable of doing so much better than I have been, but I just don’t feel like knockin’ it out like I usually do. I need to get over that.

I think I’ve just been really busy and I need some time off to recharge… I’ve also been really under the weather with what I thought were allergies, but is probably the beginnings of a small cold. I’m feeling better now than I have felt in a week (well, maybe it was more than a small cold), but might take the weekend off. When I’m sick, I usually start to feel better and when I get back into work mode, I get sicker because I haven’t allowed enough time to rest and relax… we’ll see how things play out though.

I met with my two new mentorship candidates this week, and I’m happy to report that I’ve accepted both of ’em. They’re pretty awesome, but so different from each other. They both said things that made me realize that they’re both already teachers, they just need the tools. I’m glad they didn’t freak out at my requirements. At one point I said to both of them "I want to work with you because I think you’ll be a great teacher; make no mistakes – I’m here to make teachers out of you. Can you do the work?" and they agreed.

A lady from the teacher training department says that I have a reputation… I’m thought of as being very well trained (almost 1,000 hours of training over the past 5 years), sweet, but very demanding. I guess it doesn’t hurt that every student that I’ve mentored has ended up teaching for us.

I’m very motivated about my teaching job, but not so much about the other job. That’s a sign, don’t think I haven’t noticed. 😉

smooches to those that want ’em, I gotta get dressed for yoga now…



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May 23, 2008

you’re having trouble with being motivated? why not try the yogic breath ahhh…i can’t remember the name *sigh* you say “hah, hah, hah” a lot like a warrior in a rhythmic pattern…inversion poses should help a bit, or at least attempting to do least, those are the things that help me and i move and think slowly… namaste my friend 🙂 be well *hugs*

Wow… that is a lot of training. 🙂

May 24, 2008

from what i know of you, that reputation sounds well-earned. i need some mo’ too.